chapter 1:The beginning

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Charlie's POV

Here I was...In front of him, looking into his red eyes. My face was red because of the crying.About 3 days ago, Vaggie broke my heart. SHE BROKE UP WIH ME! Alastor was sending you from my door looking at me. And then he broke his shield.

"Charlie...Come here, dear!" he pulled me into a hug. I hold him tight. I wanted to talk to someone, but was he the right person to talk to?
"Dear, if you want to talk, I'm here for you" he said. It was like he knew what I was thinking.
"Thanks, Al... I really wanna talk to someone right now..." I said, still crying.
"I'm here, Charlie. Let's go in." and we entered the room. He sat on the bed and patted the blanket next to him. I came over and made myself comfortable on my regal bed. The room was sad. There were empty places on the walls where Vaggie's posters used to hang and half of my wardrobe was empty. I felt like crying again when I remembered all of those things. But Alastor's hand calmed me.
"Maybe I... did something wrong?" I asked puzzled.
"No, dear! Don't even think like that. Every time I saw you with her everything was alright... you were a beautiful couple..." but his grin was somehow triumphant...

Some hours later...

Alastor's POV:

"Thanks, Al. I feel better now..." Charlie said with a relaxed expression on her face.
"Anytime, dear!" I kissed her forehead, and she blushed. When I realized what I have done, I blushed even harder. *What the heck got into me???* "Well, I'll go downstairs, call me if you need anything, k?"
"Sure! And thank you again, Al. I feel so much better now!" Charlie smiled. A true smile. I couldn't help but blush. I winked at her and made my way down the stairs with my heart beating faster and faster. *Could I love her?That can't mean...*
Anyways,I came back to me senses and made my way downstairs.When I got there I saw Angel Dust and Husk at the bar talking.I wasn't curious about their talk but somethig they said made me change my mind so I use my powers to become a shadow and start listening.
"Damm Husky, Vaggie was a little too harsh when she said she wanted to broke up with Charlie because of some other girl...what was her name? I don't remember."Angel said.
"I think it starts with M? No! With H! Fuck it I don't even care what's that bitch's name. Because of her that kid is suffering in her for 3 days in her because of that girl."Husk said .
Alastor was still listening and he heard something. He turned back to go upstairs but he stopped when he saw Charlie getting out of her room and lock it.

Charlie's pov:
I get out of my room and i saw Alastor standing on the stair and looking at me.
I changed my outfit into some jeans and a top. I saw him coming closer to me.
"Darling,where are you going?" he said.
"H-hey Al,I'm going for a walk,why do you ask?" I said.
"Well darling just , um... do you mind if I join you?"he said.
I blushed a little"Well why not, Al!" I said.
I took Alastor by the hand and we made our way to the exist of the hotel where Husk and Angel Dust were at the bar, drinking some fireballs.
We got out of the hotel and went to the park. We walked a bit when, suddenly Alastor stopped.
"Al? Is something wrong?" I said.
"Dear let's go sit here on the bench"he said.

He sat down and patted the place next to him, sign for me to sit.
I got there ideea and went to sit next to him and we started talking.

Word count:656

Hi guys! This is my first book and story that I wrote. Please don't judge me if it's to cringe or anything else. This is the first chapter of the story. I hope you like it🙃. I'll try to post a chapter at a week's distance, and if I can't I'm really sorry,I'm in school too soon in my free time(which I hope I'll have it) I'll write a chapter and post it. I want to thank my friend who started a book too and inspired me to start one by myself too. Thank you,friend!
And if there are some mistakes, I'm sorry, but I'm not that really good at English, so if you see some grammatical mistakes,don't judge me!
See you next week😘.

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