7|Are they really dating?

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T a r a n y a

"But I don't think it's worth your time" I said.

"Why do you think so?" I asked.

"You are not made for these music videos Tara, and that too with a new comer?" Yuvaan made a face.

"Jaise ki mene har baar kaha hai koi kam chota ya bada nahi hota" I sighed.

(Like I say everytime no work is smaller or greater)

"But it's not up to your standards" Yuvaan shaked his head in denial.

"Have you ever seen me becoming so picky and choosy?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"You have never worked with a newcomer also" Yuvaan taunted.

I sighed rubbing my forehead.

"I am telling you I don't believe that Anvay or whatever, they know your worth still they offered you this music video? Do they think you have such low standards?" Yuvaan muttered.

"I have been off the screen for 2 months now, so I think my standards have already fallen down" I rolled my eyes.

"That doesn't mean you will accept a music video" Yuvaan looked at me as if I have grown two heads.

"Don't forget you are my manager, you do as I say" I regretted saying this as fast as the words left my mouth.

"I am sorry Ma'am I forgot my place, I thought you considered me as your Friend , my bad" Yuvaan stood up and left my bedroom before I could stop him.

I went to too far, I shouldn't have said this to him.

He is my only friend, the only person I could trust after them


Tara in 10th

"I think he likes you" Priya teased Taranya.

"Who Chaitanya?" Taranya looked at her with a scrunched face.

"Why do you think so?" Taranya asked skeptically.

"See you don't want to do you job, even he doesn't want to do you job, you guys are a perfect match" Priya spoke or more like taunted.

Taranya looked at her for a second before looking at Chaitanya.

"Nahh I don't think so, we are just bestfriends" Taranya chuckled awkwardly.

"That's what they say" Priya said.


"I think you were right" Taranya said taking a sit besides Priya in class.

"He gave me this last night, you know how I said I want to read this one, and see he got me" Taranya showed the Harry potter book to her.

"Huh, must have asked his dad" Priya huffed.

"Nahh, he told me he was saving his money to buy this for me, and you know he doesn't spend his money on anyone, so I think he likes me, because you spend your money on the people you like" Taranya smiled looking at the book.

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