Because we both know that evil ex of yours will show up. I don’t want to see Sailor hurt by anyone, especially not you or that surgically enhanced Barbie doll who follows you around. She made Sailor’s life a living hell. So, no I don’t have a problem with you or your intentions. I can see you’re a good guy. What I have a problem with is the baggage that comes with you.”

Saxton sat back in his chair and let Harley’s words sink in, a thought occurring to


“What do you mean by made Sailor’s life a living hell? I didn’t think Sailor went to our high school very long.”

Harley let out a bitter laugh. “Geez, you must have been one oblivious jock.

Sailor wouldn’t want me telling you this, but you need to know so you can understand exactly what happened. Before your one encounter with Sailor, she’d been at your school for six months. That Andrea bitch caught Sailor looking at you on her first day and made it her personal mission to torture Sailor every day after that. It was hell and did worlds of damage. It wasn’t just taunting or mental torture—which is bad enough. No, quarterback, Sailor has actual physical scars from that evil bitch. Did you know that? Did you know your girlfriend burned Sailor’s arm with a cigarette and even stabbed her with a pencil? Did you know she has a scar on her head where that bitch held her down and literally cut out a piece of her hair, scalp included. It doesn’t stop there. I could name a dozen other things Andrea did. The torture was so bad, Sailor didn’t want to go to school, but her parents made her because she didn’t tell them what was really going on. She went through all of that…because of you. She had feelings for you, and she was tortured for them. Can you understand now why Sailor is hesitant?

Do you understand why your ex is dangerous, especially to Sailor? When that bitch shows up here, either you do something about her or I will. Do we understand each other?”

Saxton felt the blood draining from his face, and his stomach was sick as Harley spoke. He sat there, frozen in stunned silence for a moment.

“I didn’t know, Harley. I swear I thought it was Andrea being mean just that one


“Well, now you know. Be careful with Sailor. That’s not a warning. That’s advice.

And for the love of all that’s holy, take care of the Andrea problem. You would think, after ten years of her bullshit, you’d be tired by now.”

Saxton stood and looked down at Harley. “I will. You’re a good friend, and I’m glad Sailor has you. But, for the record, this little talk hasn’t swayed me away from pursuing Sailor. If anything, it’s made me want her more. I want to protect her and show her she can care for me without it leading to her being hurt. I will take care of the Andrea problem once and for all, I promise.”

He was opening her office door when she spoke. “Well, for the record, that was probably the best answer you could have given, but I’m still watching you. Actions speak louder than words.”

Saxton left her office without responding. He knocked at Dalton’s closed door. “Come in,” Dalton’s loud voice called from the other side.

Saxton entered the office, and his friend looked at him in concern. “You okay, man? You look a little sick.”

Saxton nodded as he sat. “I just had a run-in with your new assistant is all.” Dalton grinned. “She’s great, isn’t she?”

Saxton blew out a breath. “She’s something all right.”

Dalton’s grin faded, the concern back on his face. “What’s wrong?”

Saxton was quiet for a moment, contemplating if he should say anything about what he’d learned. Deciding Dalton needed to know the extent of Andrea’s crazy and how that affected Sailor, he relayed everything Harley had just told him. By the time he was done, Dalton’s face burned with anger.

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