Chapter 1

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Olivia is getting ready for the first day of her junior year in high school. Deep down, she has no desire to even go for as long as she can remember. She has been bullied. Normally, it was based on her appearance, short at 5' 2" and chubby. Many people have found it fun to pick on these little things.
Sighing, she puts on a pair of jeans with a baggy t-shirt, already dreading the day. Then she pulls her long, straight red hair into a simple ponytail to keep it out of her face, per usual. She decided on no makeup, once she gets her clothes on, she examines herself in the mirror with her big brown eyes.
Finally, she starts on her walk to the place she dreads most. Since she lives fairly close and feels that losing weight would be wise, she doesn't bother with trying to get a ride or anything but instead use her own legs.
In the middle of her short trip, she hears an approaching vehicle. It passes by her with the windows open. As she looks at the car, she recognizes the face inside of it. Mr. Popular with the nasty attitude, Damien. He has always been her worst tormentor, who brought nothing but misery with him, always pushing her into things, calling her cruel names, and such.
The car stops, yet she keeps walking. He gets out of the car and jumps in front of her. Forcing her to look up and meet his eyes. She acknowledges the crazy height difference begrudgingly. He's 6'4". She always thought he was attractive with his long dark almost black hair, light blue eyes, and muscular build. Too bad his attitude ruined it for him.
With his signature devilish smirk, he asks in his deep voice, "Need a ride? "
Taking a step back with wide eyes, she fumbles, "W-what?"
"Do you need a ride? "
"Is this some kind of prank? "
"No. I'm just offering a ride."
Shaking her head, she refuses, "I'm not playing your stupid games, Damien."
He takes a step forward, then says, "I'm not playing any games. I'm just being nice and offering a ride to a pretty girl." He then gives her another smirk, making her sick.
Glaring at him, she retaliated, "Yeah, now I know you're messing with me. Just leave me alone already. "
Reaching out to her, he tries to reason, "I'm not. I swear."
Smacking his hand away, she began walking though there was a slight hesitation due to feeling a strange spark upon touching him, though she just shakes it off. Walking around him, she tries to peacefully make her way to school. She doesn't get very far before two strong arms wrap around her and pick up her plump body.
It all happens so fast, and next thing she knows, she's already in his car, buckled up, and on her way to school with Damien of all people. Despite his efforts to talk to her, she stays entirely quiet. As soon as they park, she bolts out of the car and runs into the school, ignoring his calls and attempts to get her attention.
Weeks before school had started, the schedules were mailed, so Olivia was able to go straight to her first class. She decides on a seat in the very back of the classroom. Mike, a good friend of hers, sits beside her. She attempts to tell him about the strange encounter of that morning but gets rudely interrupted when the door bursts open and a loud growl is heard. All attention turns there, only to find an angry Damien, sending death glares to Mike.
Once he makes his way to the spot in front of Mike, he leans down to be at eye level.
Loudly, he yells, "MOVE!"
Without question, Mike nods and leaves, though he is sure to mouth, I'm sorry to Olivia.
Feeling a sense of pride, Damien sits down in the now vacant seat beside Olivia. He throws a smile at her, and before she can protest, Mr. Allen, their teacher, comes in and starts class after telling everyone to take their seats.
Throughout the class, Damien attempts to get her attention, though to no prevail. She ignores him entirely. She won't have it. Not after all he's done to her. The bell rings, and she tries to leave as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, she discovers that she isn't fast enough when Damien grabs her wrist tightly. It brings back memories of all the times he's grabbed her roughly. Though that quickly dissolves when she realizes that sparks are running up and down her arm. What the heck is going on? She meets his eyes and gives him a harsh glare. No matter how hard she tries, she can't pull her arm away. He's too strong. He always has been.
Sadly, he asks her, "Can we please talk?"
"Why should I let you? So you can just call me names? Or push me into things? Or hurt me even more than you already have? I have no idea what you're planning, but it's not gonna work. I'm not an idiot. "
His eyes are full of pain, as if someone has just kicked his puppy or something. She could have sworn she heard him whimper, but she brushed it off. Yanking her arm roughly, she breaks free from his grip. Happy to be free, she takes off to her next class, which Damien luckily wasn't in.
She doesn't see him for the rest of her classes before lunch. She's convinced she's safe as she sits at her lunch table with Amy and Mike sitting across from her. Mike has been her friend from second grade and Amy joined the group in fifth. They are all extremely close.
They suddenly gasp, and before she can look behind her or even ask questions, a body roughly plops down in the seat beside her. She flinches before looking. It's Damien, of course.

"What do you want?", She snaps at him.
With a smirk, he replies, "YOU!"
Sighing, she tells him, "Not funny."
He leans in, "I'm not joking." His voice got more serious.
She pushes him back and stomps away. Damien is hot on her heels, pursuing her annoyingly. As soon as they're out of the doors, she pokes him in the chest with her brows knitting together.
"What is your problem? "she shouts angrily. "I have had enough of you! LEAVE! ME! ALONE!"
Giving her a sad look, he says, "Look, I'm really sorry. You didn't deserve any of it. Not the things I said. Not the things I did. And I know an apology won't fix anything, and it won't change the past. But I am so serious about this. More than anything else in my life. I really like you. I know that I don't deserve it, but I'm begging you for a chance. Let me prove to you that I have good, loveable qualities as well. Please!"
She stands there with her mouth completely agape, shocked entirely, she speechless. It's apparent to her that he's sincere just judging by his tone of voice and the look in his eyes. A war breaks out within her. Her heart is telling her to give it a try, put the past behind them and let him start afresh. Her head, however, reminds her of all the bad things he's done, and that she'd be stupid to give him a chance. She just turns around and begins to walk away.
It's only a matter of seconds before those two big strong arms are wrapped around her for now the second time today. She feels him nudge his head into the side of her neck, and it begins to get wet with what must be tears, because she hears him whimper.
Over and over again, he whispers hoarsely, "I'm sorry. Please just give me a chance."
Her shock and confusion paralyzes her. She can't believe this is happening. The bell rings and wakes her up from her trance. He still won't let go.
Finally she says, "Let me go. I'll think about it."
Before he releases her, he squeezes her gently out of affection, "Thank you."
She just walks away.

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