Bonus: Chaotic Confusion

Start from the beginning

...At least, that Emu knew of.

Well, whatever, they're my friends—well, they're more like one of my friends and my girlfriend—and they didn't help me! If I'm going down, they're going down with me!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!

Emu startled herself with her own sudden evil vengefulness.

She went back into the SEKAI, where Nene was speaking to Rui and Luka.

"RUI-KUN!" Emu said, catching the alchemist's attention. "SUMMON TSUKASA-KUN NOOOOOWWW!!!! I HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!!!!!" She pointed a finger at Rui then turned around, a wide smile on her face. "Also, HI NENE-CHAN, HI LUKA-SAN!!!!"

Nene sighed with a soft smile. "Hello, Emu."

"You want me to 'summon' Tsukasa-kun?" Rui said, puzzled. "Alright, I'll message him.

Not long after Rui sent a text, Tsukasa appeared inside the SEKAI. He didn't look happy to be there.

"Alright, I'm here," Tsukasa said. "Can we please get it over with quickly?"

"You're busy?" Luka asked. "On the weekend? Oh, are you busy practicing for the upcoming show? It's next week, right?"

"Yes, it is," Tsukasa answered, walking closer to the rest of the troupe. "But I just... Never mind."

"Okay," Nene said warily, stretching out the 'o'. "What did you need us for, Emu?"

"RUI-KUN!!" Emu said, gathering all of her courage. "I, UM..."

Luka began to snore and Tsukasa looked away uncomfortably.



Both Nene and Rui began to laugh.

"Yes, I do!!" Emu smiled. "I love all of you!!!!"

"OH." Tsukasa covered his face with his hands out of embarrassment. "Augh, I thought..."

"You thought it was a romantic confession?" Rui said, struggling to speak as he laughed.

"Well, YEAH!" Tsukasa yelled.

"Silly Tsukasa-kun!" Emu said in an amused way that frustrated Tsukasa even more. "Me and Nene-chan are dating!" The pink-haired girl jumped onto her girlfriend, hugging her tightly.

"WHAAAAA?!" Tsukasa shouted, looking from Emu to Nene then back. "YOU'RE TOGETHER???"

Rui, Nene and Emu began to laugh harder.

"I DIDN'T KNOOOOOW!!" Tsukasa shot them a moue, crossing his arms.

"Even if they weren't," Rui started. "and Emu-kun really was going to confess to me, I wouldn't like her back. I'm gay, Tsukasa-kun."

"Y—YOU'RE GAY???" Tsukasa began to rub his forehead. "Oh, that's such a relief!"

Tsukasa-kun, be careful!!!!! Rui-kun's gonna find out!!!!!!! ((((;゚Д゚))))

"A relief, is it?" Rui said roguishly, cupping Tsukasa's face gently.

"AH—" Tsukasa's face turned red and he backed away from Rui, freeing himself from the alchemist's touch.

Rui chuckled again, sounding even more amused.

"You exposed yourself, Tsukasa." Nene pointed out with a small giggle that sounded evil.

"WHA—I DID NOT!!" Tsukasa huffed.

A yawn could be heard as Luka began to wake up. "You guys are ssssoooo looouuud," She complained sleepily.

"Sorry, Luka-san!" Emu apologized as the other pink-haired female walked off, rubbing her eyes.

"Wait, Emu-kun," Rui said. "About the orange juice that you s—oh, I mean, the orange juice that Nene and Tsukasa-kun spilled onto Robonene's head..."

Emu flinched as both Nene and Tsukasa shot her looks that said "really, Emu?".

"EEK!" Emu looked terrified. "You guys aren't mad at me, are you??"

"I'm not mad," Rui grinned at Emu reassuringly. "I can fix Robonene in no time."

"You tried to blame us, Emu?" Tsukasa said, a taken aback expression on his face. "I'll admit, I was not expecting that."

"You guys refused to help me!!" Emu argued, steam blowing out of her ears like in an old cartoon.

     "So you decided to take us down with you?" Nene said, looking a bit hurt. "You asked me to pour orange juice on my head!"

     "Eheh..." Emu laughed sheepishly.


someones gonna be back sooon 🥰🥰
Word count: 1029

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