Chapter 4:Engagement (NOT EDITED)

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Arya's POV:
No way I would die rather than getting married to him. Suddenly he pinned me to the wall."And what if I don't?" He whispered,my breath hitched."w-what are you doing" I could feel heat rising to my cheeks."what am I doing?" He got more closer I could feel his breath on my neck why the hell am I blushing it's not like I'm attracted to him."unfortunately I can't decline aswell chèrie,seems like a problem" whit that he walked out of the backyard. I took a deep breath since when was I holding my breath?what was wrong whit me?was I going mad? I rushed behind him that's when I heard him say."we are ready for this engagement" wait what but I didn't agree where the hell did this we come from? All this Is just for dad otherwise I would have died."really come sit here" "if you're ok whit this when do you wanna do the engagement ceremony beta?" I was bombarded with questions by his parents but they were the sweetest trust me both aina aunty and Rajesh uncle were quite opposite of Aditya the guy was probably adopted from trash can or something.
Yeah the who just made you blush.
Shut up.
I forcefully had to sit the elders started talking they got busy so I escaped and sat beside a girl,she was glaring at me the whole time.
"So bhabhi,I hope you remember me"a guy spoke, Bhabhi im not his Bhabhi yet as I looked to see who it was I saw a familiar face.
The coffee guy.
"Coffee guy?"
"Well that's a nice name you kept,myself Kabir your favourite devar" brother-in-law,this guy is also related with that piece of shit.
I gave him a genuine smile,he seems nice.
"Trust me he is annoying as hell,you don't want to favourite him im zaina by the way" the girl finally spoke.
"Im sure your old ass brother is more annoying zaina"I pointed at aditya Singhania.
"Well if you don't want to marry him I'm always free"Ahaan,my other brother in law spoke I have met him at a family reunion only once we didn't talk much but he's really fun.I chuckled at his antics.
The engagement was settled after a week,after bhai's nikkah. When bhai got to know it felt like a storm had arrived. He fought whit papa and even beated aditya up because he agreed without telling bhai,and of course the dumb shit he is he stood their doing was to hard to convince bhai that I was happy even though I wasn't😐.
Time skip to rehaans nikah,
"Oh my bhabhi your looking so pretty,bhai will definitely be head over heels for you"I told bhabhi as I fixed her makeup.bhabhi was really pretty and not to mention an amazing cook."he's already head over heels for me" she said flipping her hair in sarcastic way,even though it was in a bun.
I got her ready to walk down the hallway.
I went out side to manage something that's when I bumped into a hard wall,but as I looked Upto see the annoying oldie standing there looking like a masterpiece. He looked good alright but sill I hate him and he also looked like a street dog.
Aditya's POV:
I was finding raghav when someone bumped into me I looked down to see my fiancé's 5'5 figure standing there rubbing her head. She was in a pink lahenga,I had to get beaten up because of her,don't worry chèrie I'll take my revenge.
"Are you blind?" Me? Wasn't she the one walking while looking down.
"You forgot your contacts chèrie,now let me leave I don't have time to waste on idiots"I replied to her in a mocking tone.
"My name is Arya,you old piece of shit" old?come on I'm not that old 27 isn't old now is it?
"I remember that day when you blushed even though I didn't even do anything,why though?" Her face instantly turned red,like a tomato.
"Shut up! I didn't blush keep dreaming" with that she walked off, yeah right I was the one blushed wasn't I?
the nikkah ended soon.
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(Time skipped to engagement day)
Today is my engagement whit my own enemy,whit my best friends sister I should probably thank god I'm still alive that man would've killed me.

"How am I looking bhai?" Zaina my cousin sister, AKA my carbon copy.
"nice"I had my emotionless face.
"Come on bhai at least try,she's such a nice girl" nice?
"Hmm,come on get in the car"
One by one each person came and went,but my eyes were only searching for that one person that's when rehaan came and sat beside me he had a creepy smile on his face .
"Listen to me carefully,if even a tear drops from my sister's eye,I will kill you I won't even ask if it was your fault or not" should I be scared?

"Why would I hurt her?and let me remind you dearest brother-in-law I'm older then you so respect me" I mean their should be benefit.

"Shut the fuck up,before I chop your d!ck off" yep,their will be no benefit.
"Chill man,you know I still have that scar it was bleeding" I tried to change the topic,because this guy is not as soft as he acts who knows he might actually chop my d!ck off.
"Do I look like I give a shit?" He showed me his "duh" look.
"And don't stare at my sister" whit that he left, if I should not stare at my fiancé then whom should I stare at?
I was pulled out of thoughts when I saw the mesmerising beauty walking in front of me in her light brow lehanga whit open hair.
I don't why but on her every move I could feel my heartbeat rising.
I could also feel rehaan glaring at me.
She wanted the engagement whit no paparazzi and only close ones,but still the few guys which were staring at her I wanted to pull their eyes out,only I can stare at my fiancé.
Didnt you hate her?
My inner voice mocked me
I hate her,yeah I hate her.
The whole crowd gathered as she sat zaina brought the rings in front of us.
I decided to let her go first but she didn't,so I did.
I slided the ring in her finger.
she took the ring and zoned out,noor her friend elbowed her she finally got out of her dreamland when Kabir also spoke "hurry up bhabhi bhai is getting impatient".
she hesitated a little before sliding the ring,it felt as if she was scared of something,did something happen?
The buffet started, I turned to her she was licking her lips,
"Do you want to eat something?"
"No" she was hungry.
I called ahaan over and told him to get some food.
He never returned so now I had to call zaina,at least she was better than Kabir.
I was about to call her but Ahaan returned whit the plate just in time.
I handed it to her but instead of taking it
"I said I don't want it" she's a bad lier.
"You're not good at lying,I can hear your stomach." Her face looked flushed as she looked back at me and answered.
"Why do you care,I don't want to eat" yea why do I care about her? What is wrong whit me.
I have no option left.
She made me do this.
Just as she turned towards me I took the spoon to her mouth,she was about to say something but before she can I stuffed the spoon in her while she looked at me wide eyed.
She was again trying to say something but I stuffed another spoonful.
She will definitely kill me.
She looked so adorable with her mouth stuffed,she finally gave up and took the plate from me. A chuckle escaped my mouth looking at her.
"Omg that was so cute bhai" I heard zaina squealing and saw the 3 devils standing there whit smirks plastered on their face's.
"You both should probably get a room bhai bhabhi" Ayaan spoke making Arya choke on her food.
I glared at him.
One by one every one came to congratulate us.
"Hi jiju, I'm noor your only saali and I'm in your team" the girl spoke.
"Hi jiju I'm abhimaan, by the way jaanu u look pretty" the guy spoke.
Janu?! Wth?
Why is he calling her janu? Who is he?
The day had finally ended,I was still curious about that guy so I asked rehaan.
"Who is he?"
"Her best friend" hmm best friends,I see
"Aren't they a little too close" they are too much close.
"No,now remember my words and get lost" he pointed to my father who was looking for me.
Engagement aesthetics

Hey lovelies I hope y'all are doing well,So I know I'm uploading a little late I just didn't get time to upload this chap

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Hey lovelies I hope y'all are doing well,
So I know I'm uploading a little late I just didn't get time to upload this's finally here so enjoy💋. If this chap gets 7 votes and 10 comments will do 3500 words in the next chap. The rollercoaster is about to start lovelies enjoy💋😋🫶🏻😭. Btw their is Arya's pov of the engagement in the next chap!!

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