Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up next to Toby. But as I stood up, I had to puke.
Toby ran after me.
"Go away, I don't want you to see this"
"It's okay Spencer, what's wrong"
"Well, I think it's from this person, I told you he or she punched me in my stomach"
"We should go to the hospital, this is serious"
"Yea we should"

*In the hospital*
Spencer's POV
My stomach didn't feel great.
It was the real torture, I cried. It only got worse. When the doctor came to check me he had good news and bad news.
"Well, mrs. Hastings, it looks like you're going to be mom and mr. Cavanaugh you're going to be a dad"
Wait what? Did he just say I'm pregnant? That's great. I looked at Toby we were just so shocked, but in a good way.
I started to cry, but this time for joy and I forgot all the pain in my stomach.
"BUT Mrs. Hastings you have to be careful, the stomach injuries did hurt your child.
Just have attention and make sure nobody's touching your stomach hard and aggressive. That's the only thing you should worry about but it won't be a big deal will it?"
"No, no" I answered but I'm still really worried. What happens if the person with the black hoodie strikes again?
I will never go through a forest again.

Toby's POV
I'm going to be a father? Can I even handle this? I'm so insecure but so lucky.
Spencer is going to be the best mother on the world, I'm so exited.
I will never put her in this kind of danger again, I know I didn't do this but I shouldn't have let her leave alone, in the night in a forest.
But I wanna do know who this psycho is, and I'm gonna find it out soon.
The only aggressive person I know In this town is Ryan, Spencer told me about the incident at the brew.
I'm gonna grab him and punch him the face.
I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even hear Spencer saying my name.
"Toby, toby? Did you just hear that? You're going to be a dad, a father and the best one on the world"
"I know, but thank you so much Spencer. I love you"
The next day I went with Spencer to school, I did it because I wanted to grab Ryan and punch him in the face and push him against a wall.
And then I saw him, standing with his books at his locker.
"Toby, right?"
"What have you done to Spencer?!"
"So I guess you figured it out by your self? Such a clever boyfriend. Yes it's all right, what happened to her. I did it"
Ryan didn't really regret it, well at least it looked like this. He is such a dumb ass.
"Oh god, Ryan you'll regret It I f*cking swear to you"
"Fine, but there is one more thing I wanted to tell you. I heard Spencer is pregnant"
"Yea why?!"
"I'm gonna tell you a little thing , come closer..."
"I raped Spencer, in that grave I pushed her in.. So I guess I'm the father, oh and the last thing.. I really don't feel sorry for you and her. She deserved it"
Ryan whispered this in my ear and my eyes widened
"You screw me!"
"Sorry to disappoint you buddy but it's the truth"
And then I punched him in the face and he fell down on the school floor next to his locker.
Everybody was staring at me but I didn't care. I grabbed Spencer and ran out of the school.
"What's wrong Toby?"
"I'm not the baby's father"
"Wait what? I NEVER did it with someone else, I swear to you, you have to believe me Toby"
"I know honey but someone else did it with you"
"What? Are you saying someone raped me? While I passed out in the grave?"
"It was Ryan."
"He raped me?! Oh my gosh I wanna drive home, please drive me home please"
Spencer got hysteric and she started to cry, so I drove her home.
The next thing she did when we arrived at home was taking a shower.
I heard her screaming under the shower so I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower to her and gave her hug. I was trying to make it better. I think it helped a little.
"Toby?" She asked
"Yes honey?"
"Are you mad at me?"
"Why should I?"
"Because you're not the real biological father"
"I know Spencer, but that's not a reason to be mad at you. I will be the real father, I'll be there for you, I promise"

Authors note: I'm so thankful for 1k reads. Glad you like the story, I'm sorry again for some mistakes 1. It's automatic correction and 2. I'm not English. Anyways ily guys btw you can follow my Instagram, it's:

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