Chapter 23

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The sound of blades pierced the air as the helicopter traversed the heavy rain. Sitting inside were Highstew and his assistant, Robert, along with Captain Sergeiveich and Coronel General Orlov. The four men had their gazes fixed on the melancholic gray clouds outside.

-Excited for the conference, Mr. Highstew? – Asked Sergeiveich, shooting a glance at the tycoon.

The question broke Michael from his thoughts, who then set out to reply.

-Maybe a bit nervous, yeah, but at the end of the day it's just another business meeting.

The officer raised his eyebrows slightly.

-Seriously? Quite a cold answer, considering the position and status of the guests that will be present there.

-Nonsense. – Highstew answered. – I've attended so many high-level meetings that I've grown tired of even going.

-Hmn, understandable. – Intervened Orlov. – Americans tend to be very boring in their meetings, but we Russians know better. Just bring a goddam bottle of quality vodka, and voilà! The conference room becomes livelier that the Red Square in May.

-Whatever... - Michael closed his eyes for a brief instant and, turning to his assistant, asked him. – Do you have the quarterly reports with you?

-Of course. – Replied the boy, pointing to the briefcase sitting between hi legs. – I made sure that all pertinent documents were in place before departing.

-I see... – Feeling more at ease, Highstew leaned back on his seat and let out a small sigh. – God, let's hope Gergeiev will her out my request and sends more soldiers to the Originium production facilities. The Reunion attacks are starting to seriously hurt my wallet.

-I know. – Said Orlov. – That Draco b*tch and her group of footpads have been disrupting our offensive operations for over half a year now, and I'm damn sure they are being helped by the Rhodes Island bastards.

Sergeiveich nodded his head.

-Yeah, if we only had proof to uncover their attacks and eliminate them...

-Me too, captain. – Acknowledged the coronel. – I have a burning desire to see their little landship reduced to ashes, but let's push this matter aside because I believe we are about to arrive.

Highstew looked through the window and spotted the silhouette of buildings in the distance. They became clearer as they got closer and closer, until the massive mobile city revealed itself before his eyes. The helicopter flew over the colossal steel plates and, mere minutes later, landed in a heliport at the top of one of the towering skyscrapers. Upon sliding the aircraft's door open, the group was greeted by a young officer.

-Welcome to Shiraziberg, gentlemen. – He said, walking towards the aircraft with umbrella in hand. – The car is waiting for you at the entrance.

Sergeiveich shot a glance at Orlov and the others and said.

-Guys, I've just remembered that I have some matters to attend to, so please go without me.

After bidding farewell to Sergeiveich, the three men followed the officer to the stairs and descended to the building's main entrance, where they got inside the black Porsche stationed there. As the driver drove through the narrow streets, Highstew and Robert couldn't help but notice the charcoaled remains of several vehicles distributed along the way. When asked about this, coronel Orlov answered:

-Ah, probably it's because our forces took the city just a week ago. The combats were very intense, from what I heard.

Michael didn't make any comments in that regard. In any case, after 10 minutes of journey the trio finally arrived at their destination.

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