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"Hey, are you okay?" Maya asked as she saw Marleigh walk down the stairs to reception.

"Perfectly fine." Marleigh replied with a small smile.

"Are you sure because that tanker fire is a lot to take in- i mean, you could have died Marleigh-" Maya started.

"But i didn't." Marleigh said frustrated. "Why can't you just believe me when i say i'm fine for once." she said.

"I do believe you, i always believe you, i just want to make sure that you're actually okay." Maya said softly.

"So you'd believe me if i told you i got kidnapped when i was a profiler?" Marleigh raised her eyebrows.

"You didn't-what are you talking about?" Maya frowned.

"Didn't i? I mean, it's not like you would know 'cause you were never there. You were hardly ever there, Maya." Marleigh snapped.

"We've been over this, Marleigh-" Maya started to raise her voice.

"Ladder, Engine, Station 19, respond, structural fire." Dispatch cut the two sisters off.

"This conversation isn't finished." Maya said as the two ran into the barn.

"I know it didn't start at the blue fire, since i was clearly the one doing the crushing there." Andy said as Maya and Marleigh walked past them.

"Oh! Listen to that smack-talk. I'm like a proud Mama." Maya said before she walked around to the other side of the ladder.

Marleigh tuned them out as she started to put her turnout gear on.

"Miller says he's starting a top-floor evacuation." Pruitt told them all.

"Copy that." Travis said.

"Grab some extra tanks for Miller and Warren." Pruitt ordered.

"Already packed, sir." Maya said. Marleigh rolled her eyes and finished putting her jacket on.

"Captain?" Marleigh asked.

"Yes." "Yeah." Andy and Pruitt said at the same time before glancing at each other then back at Marleigh.

"Ready to roll." Marleigh said before getting in the Engine with Vic.


"Let's do a full evac on the building! Better vent." Andy said. "Warren, you want to head up the sounding?" She asked.

"Absolutely." Ben replied from in the back of the aid car.

"All right. Nice and easy, guys. No big swings today.
Let's go." Andy instructed. Marleigh stood at the side of the truck as Vic passed her a roof hook and a chainsaw with Maya and Ben.

"Warren, tell me why we vent the roof of structure fires." Maya said.

"Uh, ventilation pulls the fire up and out of the building, preventing air from fueling the fire inside.
That means less spread, less damage. It's pretty genius, actually." Ben smiled.

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