Chapter 3: Intro and Rescue

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Azur Lane Base is a mess after the attack from the Sakura Empire and the unknown naval drones that they were aligned with.

To Zack, it looks like the start of World War 2 back in his world that his crew always talk about.

He is lucky to find a empty space to construct a GOC Regent Port. Thanks to GOC Constructor Bots, the port is nearly completed a bit faster than it would've been by hand.

Now he is wearing a Suit he found in a Locker that his Captain use on his date instead of wearing his GOC Combat Gear.

"Impressive." A female voice commented from behind him.

Zack turn his head to see Enterprise eying the newly constructed Port.

"This technology is not what we always see here." Enterprise said in slight surprise in her voice.

"You should thank Project: Regent from the GOC to make this tech possible." Zack responded.

"Forgive me for asking but what is this Project: Regent and who are the GOC?" She questioned him in a confused tone.

Zack let out a small sigh. "Both your questions are meant to be classified to the public ear but I'll only give you some info. The GOC is short for Global Occult Coalition. They were created by the United Nations to combat dangerous anomalies that were from my dimension. There's two sides of them. One side want to destroy all anomalies. Harmless or dangerous? That side doesn't care. The other part of the GOC takes a different approach and observe to identify whether the detected anomalies are dangerous or not and study about them to know more. But the first part of the GOC that destroys all anomalies are dead." Zack explained sadly.

"What happened to them?" Enterprise asked in concern.

"On February 1st, 2020; The SCP Foundation declared war on Humanity for some reason. They attack any civilians and military personnel they see and unleash dangerous anomalies worldwide. The first side of the GOC who sees Anomalies as threat fall first. They believe in brute strength so they were the first to fall on the first two years of the new war. At least most of them didn't follow them." Zack explained.

"You are from the future?" Enterprise ask in surprise.

"Yep. What year is it here?" Zack responded.

"It's December 7th, 1941. Why?" Enterprise asked.

"Different dimensions. That's the day when the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. But without this unknown naval drone faction that attacked you girls." Zack responded.

"Those are called Sirens. Humanity created us and the Faction Alliance of Azur Lane to combat the Sirens." Enterprise stated.

"Got it. But who are the Sakura Empire and why are they aligned with the Sirens?" Zack ask her.

"We don't know but the Iron Blood plan on learning and using Siren Technology to defeat the Sirens so someone in the Royal Navy disqualified them and later some others left the alliance for some reason." Enterprise responded.

Zack put a finger on his chin in thought. "The reason of why the Sakura Empire went rogue is a mystery but the mention of the Royal Navy disqualifying Iron Blood from using Siren Technology and later others leaving the Alliance is something else." Zack stated.

"Hey Zack. What are you and Enterprise are talking about?" Wales ask him as she Illustrious walk to them.

"Enty here wants to know more about my Faction and what was going on in my dimension. Basically long story short, a faction known as the SCP Foundation declared war on Humanity worldwide for some unknown reason on 2020. Then many years later, the newly introduced Global Alliance pushed the Foundation back and recapture many Continents from the Foundation." Zack explained.

SCP/ Azur Lane: GOC Regent's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now