Jacedaichi Case Files

Start from the beginning

"Yeah what you heard was the sound of a fairy who couldn't go to the toilet.Someone who only cares about her views.The price she had to pay for those donations.It was all her shit piled up bursting in one go."

He said while Yui screamed loudly already embarrassed.

"There's no need to be ashamed.Vasco has it too.He even fainted in the toilet once.But don't blame her little lies.She was just shy in front of the boy she liked."

Yui and Vasco both fell to the ground defeated from Jace's truth.Even though they were innocent their names were tarnished.

But at that moment everyone knew it wasn't the culprit we should be concerned of,but of the devil who was in the room with us.

"Next up is Vin.Why did you leave the toilet close to your classroom and go to the one next to the fashion department?"

"I took a shit you motherfucker.And I'm not even constipated.You got a problem with that?Huh?"

He says as if he's feeling proud but deep down he was scared.

"No that's a lie.Our sad little girl Yui Kim testified. She said she heard Duke's song coming from the toilet.You went to the furthest toilet to practice Duke's song!"

Jace said explaining that he even saw Duke's album cover on Vin'a phone when he was listening to his music.

"Fuck you." Vin screamed when all of a sudden Duke teleported in front of Vin.

"I just dropped by to see what all this racket is about...but Vin...is this true?" Duke asked him while Vin also dropped to the floor with a tarnished name.

"Up next...Mary Kim."

"Kyaaaaa!" Mary screamed afraid of what he was gonna say.

"You're innocent unfortunately.When Duke said he was there at the auditorium,you were there too.Mary Kim you have an alibi but you have to be careful from now on."

"Thank you.Thank you mister detective." Mary said hugging Jace's leg and crying happy tears.

"Now Logan Lee.By your own words you said,you went to the nurse's office.But why is that your name isn't on the log?We even have an eye witness.You were seen in front of the architecture classroom.So you lied about going to the nurse's office.So what were you doing around the architecture classroom that day?"

Jace said showing the log with the names of all the students who were at the nurse that day.

"Alright then.I stole it.What are you going to do about it?Huh?You got a problem with it,you lil bitch.Come at me."

Logan said spitting around the place and cursing while me and the others stayed in the corner gossiping like old ladies.

Logan said spitting around the place and cursing while me and the others stayed in the corner gossiping like old ladies

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(Imagine yourself there.)

"My lord didn't do it.My lord may be a piece of shit but he the kind of piece of shit that doesn't do anyhing cheap."

Logan's slave speaks up protecting Logan while I wasn't understanding whether he was complimenting Logan or disrespecting him.

"My lord didn't go to the architecture classroom!He went to the fashion classroom right next door.And the reason he went there was to put the drawing he drew himself in Zoe Park's desk."

He says ignoring Logan's screams to shut up.From the embarrassment he was feeling Logan decided to grab his slave and jump out the window with him while we looked in shock.

"Leave them.He would've died from all the embarrassment anyway."

"Now last but not least...Elijah L/N.You said you went to the library to find some books for the homework assignment."

"Yeah.I told you I had to find some books there."

I tell him worried that if I would say anything wrong my dignity would be gone.

"That's a big lie.Not only do you never do your homework,you were actually in the canteen where you were then spotted by a teacher who saw that you were not in your leacture."

"Scared you started running away while the teacher chased you,so that you wouldn't get caught and go to detention you jumped from the second story of the school where you were spotted from Logan and Gong."

"After that you went to the nurse because of a sprained ankle and that's where we see your name in this log right under Yui Park.And that's why you couldn't catch me this morning beacause of your sprained ankle."

"But there's one thing I don't understand.Why didn't you say you just skipped?"

Jace says after he had found the real story from top to bottom while I looked at him in pure suprise.

"I thought that I'd get detention okay.I don't want to stay here after school is over." I say crossing my arms with a huff.

"So you've knocked everyone out.Kid detective Jace Park.Are you saying I did it." The architecture teacher asked in an unamused manner.

"No you're innocent too.You just wanted to find the culprit yourself.You only opened Vasco's locker because you suspected him."

"Th-then who are you saying did it?"

"The culprit is you...Jasmin Huh." Jace said pointing at Jasmin who was shocked that she was found out.

"Wh-what are you talking about?Why would I..."

"Right when I went after Gordon Park,you were lying in the nurse's office."

"Me?You got any proof?" She asked acting baffled.

"This log is the proof? Your name is written above Yui Kim.The other person left in block B.Jasmine Huh.You passed through the corridor,came into the architecture classroom while no one was inside,and put your own wallet in Vasco's locker."

"What you didn't know was that there was a witness. Vin saw you while he was coming out of the toilet.The problem was he tinted his sunglasses seven times.So you see!Vin didn't go to the cafeteria with Mary!The bandana was actually a headband and she just happened to wear a similar size hoddie."

"He thought it was Mary all along, because he tinted his sunglasses seven times!He went there with Jasmine!And the creepy part is that you acted like Mary!Just to get rid of a witness!"

"So what?What does that have to do with me being the culprit? That's no proof."

Jasmine says trying to make an excuse for herself.

"Proof?The gem that was found in the architecture department classroom.At first I thought it was from Yui's nail art but it was too big.It fits perfectly in your headband though.Why did you frame Vasco?"

After that Jasmine once again tried to play the victim by lying again but no one belived her this time.

This whole incident was caused by her to seem as if she was loaded when to begin with she didn't have any money in the first place.

After that case was solved everything was peaceful...
Well everything expect Jace getting beat up from the people he humiliated.
Hello my lovely readers.I hope you enjoyed this chapter.If you did please don't forget to vote as this would really help the story grow even more.Anyways stay safe out there.Bye💕

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