[Unite SMP × Origins SMP] Reincarnation of the Past

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something something Unite!Box and Origins/VaV!Box being the same person, and that the old builders were what the Unite SMP people were.

Box, Paden, WaterLily & Cookie going into the End was probably one of the.. safest thing they would've ever done. because this was basically the 2 of the only places that's safe from Herobrin- i mean, the White Eyes's Wrath.

with no way to get home, and a giant ass dragon just Vibin', they were basically stuck. so, they did the best they could. which, at the time, didn't do well. there wasn't much, unlike how Origins' End was.

but still, they tried. using what they had (they of course packed up before coming to the End, but they didn't really know how much was needed soo..), they lived their lives to the best they could manage. a farm was built, they found End Cities, they found Wings(the thing that starts with E that's basically wings-), and they lived. but those lives end eventually.

due to how the Wither Star made Box Basically Immortal for awhile(which is years btw), he ended up outliving everyone there. he was there for each of their deaths, all of them were by the End itself. a death by one of them trying to sleep, a death by missing the landing, and a death by him being too late to save them from the endermen.

so, as he stood, alone. in the base that him and his friends used to call Home, he made a choice. he has already wrote down everything he experienced when he came here, so he didn't really need to rewrite anything. he wrote down his final entry, a final goodbye, before he left the base for good.

he stood by the edge of The Void, and fell.
unaware of the panicked crowd of people from his kingdom flooding in.

the wither star refused to let him die, but with how the Void works.. well.
it did the second best thing. it gave Box a second chance. this time, it's a fresh start.

origins!Box woke with no memory of how he's here, laying in the grass of the Overworld, the sky changin' between Night & Day. he bought himself onto his feet, and begun, unknowingly, his second eternity.

runnin' into TScott & Red wasn't international. they found him struggling to find food, unknowin' of what he is, what he could eat, or do. Box figured it out after a few trials of error, but it.. took time.

the Owl(he learns of what he is when Red looked him over) found an interest in the ocean, of exploring what's out and beyond. even though by all accounts, he shouldn't. his wings stop working the moment he falls into the water, and even Box himself says that looking at the ocean made him feel mentally & physically ill.

something in him screams at him to not look beyond, yet he feels as through he should. to make sure that what's out there won't ever be found. he doesn't understand why but he felt like he should. maybe that's why he wants to learn about the world, about how much has changed, even though he has never been here.
at least, he thinks so.. hm.

he has a lot of bias about people with the same name as people he used to know. he isn't aware that that's the reason, he just... Feels as through he could trust them.

TScott & Snas being a duo makes more sense in his mind then TScott & Red. he sometimes forgot that Snas & TScott don't have any history with one another, despite his mind screaming at him that they do. sometimes he gets surprised at the inside jokes between the Starborns, and he hates it. he hates feeling that something exists between people that are false. he hates it.

Rinzler, Cookie, Diamond, Sam, and so many more. none of them knew him, yet he feels as through they should, somewhat. he hates having them look at him as through he's the villain, he hates that everyone isn't united. he hates that everyone is against eachother, he hates it. he hates it he hates it he. he wants to go to a home he doesn't know, that doesn't exist Yet he feels as through it Should.

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