[LotB × BO] REVERTED all the Way

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(takes place in Legend of the Balancers Ep.132 [aka No More Secrets] & Balancer Origins Ep.63/end)


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basically. wouldn't it be funny if Balance got reverted all the way back into bo!Balance?

and immediately as that happens, the whole world of BO gets smashed into the world of LotB? like, everyone & everything of that place get scattered across the world & pieces of places get thrown everywhere. the people stays where they once were tho.

even Lava came back. which i made a whole oneshot about, can be found in this book by the title "restoration : complete"
it very much includes the whole "Time doesn't work the same for real life & minecraft" thing too :3

imma tell what happened after the BO server stopped existing first, then ah'll rumble about what happens when Balance became bo!Balance.

basically. when Nova used the Yellow Crystal, it kinda.. kicked Lava out. of the server. too much RAM. soo.. big flash & boom!
after Lava got kicked/server go poof, everything also kinda.. stopped existing. expect for the Balancers & Creators.

so, the whole time the LotB universe is existing, the BO Balancers are trapped in a big ass void with nothing but the items on themselves n' eachother.
oh yeah & the Balancers couldn't use their powers either. fun.

the Creators could leave whenever ofc, but they couldn't really bring the Balancers out because they're the only piece that really made the BO server.. well, the BO server. the Server itself is basically holding them hostage.
plus, even if 1 of the Balancers left, it would bring all the Balancers out too.

bo!Balance is unconscious for most of this time though. even when the thing he's trapped in disappeared, his conscience isn't consciousin'. he mumbles a lot, but it's heavily out of context. the Creators have a slight idea to his rumblings, but they couldn't be sure.
(the reason he's out cold is because his conscience was kinda overwritten by LotB!Balance. kinda. his conscience sorta is LotB!Balance's conscience, so bo!Balance is sorta seeing stuff LotB!Balance sees, but in a "under the water & barely comprehending" kinda way. LotB!Balance is completely oblivious.)

so that was fun. now for how the Reverted part of this crossover.

right as Psychotic Dest reverted LotB!Balance into Light Steve, he immediately notices that he can.. rewind him even further.
which is confusing, because Psychotic knows everything (he thinks he knows all, but c'more. we know stuff he doesn't) & he's very sure that Light can't be reverted more then he already is. but he can.. so.. well, Psychotic is very curious. and he's basically God.

so he reached even further into Light's being & rewarded.
and boy, he sure as hell didn't expect the blood-curlin' scream Light let out.

Light's body glitched n' cracked, laggin' between Light Steve and bo!Balance. gold slowly breaks through the blue vines that bo!Balance has. the creator energy struggling to stay within bo!Balance because he ever never had that much creator energy before.
(in the void that once was of the BO Server, bo!Balance finally wakes with a scream, unable to stop. the void struggling to keep him in the Server. the others not knowing what to do.)

when Psychotic finally reverted Light into bo!Balance, he collapsed onto the floor, barely able to breath through the pain. Psychotic laughed, unaware of what he had done.
and he immediately processed to get bitch-slapped by bo!Notch because oh honey pal he is very unhappy with the vibe of the insane parasite controlling his fuckin' Creator.

yeah so uh. the whole everything of the BO Server got shoved into the LotB Server the moment Psychotic reverted Balance. so. that's fun. very fun. (not).

while bo!Notch is doing his best to keep Psychotic somewhat at bay, bo!Jeb & bo!Dinnerbone bought the Balancers out of the basement & scattered across the forest. of course reverting them back into their Balancer selves.
well, except for bo!Balance. he can't really be unreverted now, can he?

while the bo!Balancers are scattered (although they are grouped with whoever they were with last, which is nice) all throughout the LotB Server, the LotB!Balancers has to figure out what in hell they're supposed to do now. since.. *gestures at the existence of bo!Creators* they're here now.

and of course also comes the problem of fuckin' Lava. who is a Player.
(yes, when he joins the LotB Server, he's with bo!Unbalance & bo!Nova)

so there comes the slight chaos of that as well. other then "meeting an alternative version of yourself/someone you know", "vaguely recognizing people you never met", & all that stuff of course.

i just think it'll be funny having Lava & the bo!Balancers meet the LotB!Balancers.

since the LotB Server doesn't seem to see a difference between people having voices & those who don't (aka those who use the Chat).
so that means in the LotB!Balancers' eyes, they're all talking normally. verbally.
the bo fellas are gonna freak xP not including bo!Balance ofc, he'll just be as confused as the LotB fellas.

bo!Balance also having to deal with the fact that he's existing. & that he used to have useful information (*cough cough* LotB!Balance*c ou gh*) that he doesn't have anymore. that he used to be someone before he was forcefully bought here.

& then them still having to deal with Psychotic.. oh boy. haha well then sucks to be them lol.

anyways!! that's basically the whole idea about this crossover. sorry for any weird inconsistencies & misspellings.. it is. 1 AM :']

if you got anything u wanna add onto this, feel free to do so!! ah would love to see ur ideas ^^
oh yeah & if u got questions, feel free to ask them too! ah don't bite lol

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