[LotB] Abandon All Hope

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(takes place in Ep.175, get bad end'd)

175, get bad end'd)

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soo.. y'all know how Creator Ultra Balance is a thing, right? wouldn't it be funny if Balance lost? what would happen if he actually 'died' in there?

ahhaha.. weelll.. you ever wondered what would happen if Creator Ultra Balance is actually a thing and not just his Dread?
yeah. that's what happened.

Balance semi-died, and the Creator Energy panicked heavily. it broke through whatever the fuck Dread did to seal it away and snatched the barely alive Balance back into his deep unconscious. and then it proceeds to beat the shit out of Dread.
Dread couldn't rlly do anything because.. well, straight up energy doesn't really have dreads now, do they?

when Dread ran away, Unbalance and Equality was confused, but wasn't too concerned. when Balance was gold and haven't made a noise, they started to be concerned. when Balance started to walk away towards the weird tower thingy, they started to be worried. when Copper King came by and Balance just walked past him, they started to try and get him to slow down.

as he got to the Tower and the Infected Steves showed up, Balance just. got rid of them. no problem. and the moment Voided One came in he was immediately smited by Creator Balance lmao. he wasn't given a chance to say anything he was just. Gone.
(yeah copper king lives. hooray?)

and then Balance disappeared.
no lighting, no nothing. he's just gone.

.. yeah and CC doesn't show his face for a gud bit lolz. he knows better then that xP

basically the concept is just that Ultra Creator Balance took over after Ultra Balance got decimated in his Dread, and left Balance to heal within his deep unconsciousness.
Creator Ulta Balance is also not like what's seen in his Dread entirely, but he still has the mortality of getting rid of the problem by murder lmao.
stuff happens okay. idk man, i haven't rlly fleshed it out too much.

have some scenarios n' stuff ::

- Creator Balance (Ultra isn't a permanent state fortunately) makes a whole new Creator Hub, while connecting the already existing one to it for like. archive?

anyways he has a Creator Hub now. Ox is the first to have access to it due to 'em bein', y'know, a Creator. Ox and Creator Balance talk a bunch :3

- Ox may or may not be treating this version of Balance as like. his sibling. cuz this mf doesn't know shit either; He Was Just Conscious 3 Minutes Ago.
the only shit he knows are all from Balance's trauma. it's not a good source of knowledge lmao.

- Creator Balance doesn't know how to feel about the other Balancers, or anyone besides Ox really.
Balance knew them all, but Creator Balance didn't. Creator Balance only knows the Creators and Ox and That's It. nothing else.

so he stayed away from them for a good while, trying to figure out what to do while Balance heals up. it was mostly spent building the Creator Hub, chatting with Ox and/or the Creators.

don't worry he doesn't stay away forever xP

- yeah the Creators are there. they're kinda assisting Creator Balance since well. he's made out of their energy.
they teach him things :3
and Creator Balance uses that knowledge to teach Ox as well.

- the Creator Hub has a whole ass room dedicated to the 5 Creators. like, theres those big poster-paintings of the Creators you see in temples n' shit.
Ox gets their own room next to the Creators'.

they're kinda like the next generation of Creators (in Creator Balance's eyes anyways) soo they get their own room. Creator Balance doesn't have a painting yet nor does he really want one since he knows he won't stay here too long.

- yeah after Balance heals up, Creator Balance is giving the Creator Hub to Ox and letting Balance back in control.

that's gonna be fun xP

- after a lot of convincing by Ox, Creator Balance (fuck it imma call him CB now) finally goes down to the Balancer Village.

shit happens. it ends up with CB going back into the Creator Hub with more identity issues/propose issues then he already has and Ox feeling guilty. rip.

- yeah CB has issues. he doesn't know what to do with his existence. he wasn't even supposed to exist he was just a Dread.
tf does he do with himself??

andd yeah that's about it. this one was made because of a thought and couldn't rlly think of much for it. so that's all ah got.

also made based off of an art wip i have that i might not even finish. h.
anyways ig enjoy?

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