Your magnetic filed - Nina's pow

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Summary: When Nina saw the mysterious zabrak again, collapsing in her favorite place. She decides to help him, and she has some questions. Also Nina doesn't know his name nor that he is a sith lord but something drawn her to him.

Pairing: Darth Maul x OC Nina Cerasus

Warnings: Mention of wounds, medication, anxiety, mutual pining, idiots in love, angst (Let me know if I left out something.) Minors DNI!

AN: This fic means a lot to me and I worked on it a lot. If you have any advice or comments, please share them with me kindly. I'm posting for the first time in years and I don't want nasty comments to discourage me from posting again. If you don't like it, please go to another blog. I did my best to translate it, so pls forgive me, English is not my first language. The title if a line from the song from Lights - Magnetic field.

Please enjoy reading!

When Nina saw him, she knew things were gonna change. She felt it in every molecule in her body; she even felt the shift in the air. It was heavy like a dark velvet blanket, not light and airy.

Although she couldn't see him well under the black clothes, she still felt that it was Him.

First she just stared at him frozen in place. Her mind screamed to run away, but her body disobeyed the instinct, it was too inviting to resist. The comfort of darkness surrounded her, softly and full of feelings fleeting around her like a melody. Anger, betrayal, pain. These were familiar to her. Why would she be afraid then?

What happened next was not what she expected. The tall frame in the black cloak trembled and before she could've thought it through Nina acted only instinct, rushing over to offer support. Her brain almost screamed as it tried to activate survival instincts to prevent her from approaching the figure, but Nina ignored the voice. It really was Him. Nina didn't even have a moment to realize what was happening, the zabrak's hand reached out and grabbed her hair. He dragged her down with him. Made her to fall.

That hurt.

Nina tried to free herself from the heavy body, but it was difficult. She thought correctly earlier, the zabrak was indeed very muscular and kriffing heavy for her. Freeing her hair from his gloved hand, she sighed, breaking the silence that surrounded her except for the sounds of nature. She didn't really know what exactly was going on, so she acted by jumping to conclusions.

She referred to the knowledge she learned in first aid at school and from her grandmother, who was a nurse. The zabrak's body was blazing hot, it looked like he was shocked with a hundred maximum volume taser, so Nina carefully tried to peel off the unnecessary layers of clothing, earning a horrified grunt from him. Not all of it, because the weather had cooled considerably, she even shivered a little. Even the sky started to begin to turn from the warm golden hours to a vibrant pink sunset. The faint outlines of the three moons could already be seen behind the waterfall. The clothes were from a material that felt durable, and thick yet silky soft to her touch. It must be from some far exotic place, she never saw a material like this. It was mysterious and exotic just like its owner.

She noticed something shiny in the grass. It was some sort of durasteel metal, it seemed to have an exact type of heaviness, like when you hold something lightly but after a while it seems to have an actual weight. It had shiny red rubies in it. Lethal and exquisite looking at the same. Nina knew what it was. A weapon with ancient roots, representing privileges, power and freedom. Nina never saw a lightsaber this close before. She observed it by crouching down and slightly tilting her head. If she had reached out her hand, she could have stroked its cold elegant handle. But she decided not to. It felt wrong to touch it, it seemed private and way too dangerous for her to pick it up, so she left it there. She looked around but couldn't really find the ship he came from, but she knew that he was using some sort of cloaking device. Interesting! So he is hiding from someone, or does not want to be noticed!

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