23-{A glimpse of you!😣}

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Arshita's pov

"You have done a great job! And I'm proud of you so don't you think this occassion calls for a celebration?" Rishabh spoke up as he flopped next to me on the couch in the living room.

"Seriously? I haven't talked to two most important people yet! My best friends Rishu and this is scaring the shit out of me! I don't even know if they wanna see my face again!" I said shaking my head with a deep sigh and Rishabh just gave me a look saying, "Well everything has a start and you've got yours sis! Just keep going forward and they won't be able to back away once you take a step forward!"

"Well said baby!" Ashi said from behind and we both turned to look at her as she was looking all ready as if she was going to some party, "I know right! Thanks for the compliment.....but right now all I wanna do is shower you with compliments because you look so damn gorgeous!" Rishabh as he almost jumped from the couch and walked towards Ashi who gave out a big smile in return saying, "Thank you! I would appreciate it if you guys make haste too because we're getting late!"

"Are you guys going somewhere?" I asked them making a face because right now the only thing I didn't wanted to do was be alone after the long day that I'd had. Talking with Abhishek and Shriya was way more exhausting than I'd imagined because it all just got me on my nerves, I didn't had any idea how I was going to do all that but I was just glad that I did but talking to them had also brought back all the memories of everything that had gone wrong and now I just wished that I could go back in time and stop myself from creating all that mess.

"Not just us! You are coming too.....and we're going to a club! We're gonna celebrate this day bcause you've finally taken a step forward to win back your lost love!" Ashi said happily and I just looked at her with a straight face, and then shook my head, "Wait! Wait! I'm not going anywhere guys! My head feels heavy just by thinking about the day I'd went through and right now all I can think about is..." I took a pause while speaking and just sighed while looking down at my hands in my lap when Rishabh spoke up, "Shubman?"

I just kept looking down because I couldn't deal with the storm of emotions that was going on inside my heart. The moment I'd decided to take a step to meet everyone and apologize for my mistake, Shubman was the very fiirst thought on my mind and my heart. I'd hurted him way too much....more than I'd hurted myself! Because loving someone and getting rejected by them was one thing but loving someone for too long without even them knowing or reciprocating was another! Being in a one sided love is the most hurtful thing in this world because you love that one person with all your heart without expecting anything in return, you give it your all even when you know that the other person might not love you as much as you love them.

"I....miss him!" I said almost in a murmur still not looking up and I could feel the tears burning in my eyes when Ashi and Rishabh came upto me and hugged me from my either sides, "I've missed him every single day for the last three months! Some days it just felt like I couldn't take it anymore....It was too hard, I'd miss him so much that it would hurt both mentally and sometimes physically too. It was like my heart ached for him. Somedays I wanted to see him so bad that I'd spend my whole day looking at our old pictures and then cursing myself for not realizing his feelings for me sooner. Thinking about all the possibilities I could've had of a happy relationship with him! You know.....he was the first person I wanted to go to today when I'd decided to do this 'right my wrongs' thing......but I just couldn't! I was way too scared to meet him, thinking he might not wanna see me, that he might push me away and hate me for all I did! I was too scared to face the reality" I said slowly as I wiped the tears with the back of my head and Ashi slowly caressed my hair.

"He wouldn't hate you Arshu! He could never do that....because you know when you fall for someone once there's no going back! You could do every other possible thing to forget them or hate them but your heart would just not give in and that's because that person already has a place in your heart which can't be replaced by hatred! You would just ache or be hurt whenever you think about them because they're not there with you anymore! I'm sure he must've missed you the same way that you do! Or maybe even more!" Ashi said and I finally looked up at her trying to give out a small smile and said, "I really do hope that's true!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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