Chapter 1

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It was an ordinary day, here on my little island. Yet something felt off in the air, could a storm be brewing up? I guess ill have to find out after i finish my training for the day...

I looked towards the clock seeing if it was time for me to go home - which it was - so as any normal person would do, i left and closed the door on my way out. Only to be met in the face with a fight, one that i wasnt part of, so i turned round and started walking home. But like most people curiosity killed the cat so i had to look back and see who won.

Would it be the monsters or a boy?
Now that might sound strange to humans, but who said i was one of them. I and that boy are what you call the 'unwanted problems' or demigods is what history calls us. Like the tittle suggests we are half-god and half-human, making us the opposite of 'normal', and we attrack monsters easier. This makes our lives harder as we always have to run away since the monsters track us by our scent. Now that i look more at the fight,who ever this boy is, he must be a child of some powerful god to have attracted the attention of two cyclopes and five harpies, and is winning.

After a good 10 minuites that boy had won, defeted the monster, and surrounding himself in golden dust. But it wasnt long till his body felt the toll and he collapsed.
I moved through the dust towards the young boy, he looked to be around 17, had brown hair and worn out clothing. His body was covered with the wounds from this battle, but you can see this guy was experienced, his body had old scares that will never heal. Honesty i felt bad for the boy, he looked exhausted, i knew what he was feeling, so i picked him up - carfully, so his wounds wouldnt worsen - and carried him back to my house.

It wasnt much, but it was what i call home. A small wooden house in the middle of the forest right by the lake, where no-one can disturb - it was peaceful, and a good place for the boy to recover.
As i set him down on the couch, i tended to his wounds, they were deep, filled with dirt, dust, and not much of his blood left in him to recover. I went and grabed the first aid kit from under the kitchen counter to stop the bleeding and clean up his body. While i was doing this i spotted a tattoo he had. A line with the word 'SPQR' written above it, alond with a trident.

"So your father is Neptune, and your a powerfull demigod who could take on seven monsters by himself. Then why are you here and not in rome?" Questioning the choices of this powerfull demigod, i left him to recover, covering is body with a blanket.

"Take good care of him Apollo, hes in your hands now." Especially since i dont think he will make it...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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