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"Minho. Lee Minho. I am in love with you. I want your dick in me as much as you do. I love you. I'm Hannie. I've been him all along. Please destroy my insides."

Jisung groaned in annoyance. "I sound weird." He turned away from his closet door which doubled as a mirror and stared at the clothes on his bed.

He was going to a party. A party that Minho would be at.

Minho wasn't a party animal, but his friend Changbin always dragged him along.

Jisung planned to meet him there. To make moves. To get fucked. To get a boyfriend.

He quickly chose random clothes, forcing self doubt away as he changed into them.

Of course Chan was going as well for moral support.

"Please don't say that," the guy said as he came into the room in a neat outfit. "Just lay it on lightly. Like, flirt a bit."

"Oh. Okay." Jisung hurriedly put some perfume on and checked his look.

"Out of ten, would you fuck me?"

"0. No. I'm straight. But Lee Mingay will fuck you, don't worry."

He grumbled and grabbed his things to stuff in his pocket. "Maybe I really am delusional," he commented on his way to Chan's car.

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