07 (18+)

426 11 0

TW: The chapter contains adult content

Hours seemed to blend into days, weeks, months. Winter was slowly knocking on Oregon's door. Madelene hated winter. The chill in the air seemed to seep into the bones, leaving her cold and even more sluggish than usual, and most importantly, making it much harder to see Malachai. The vibrant colors of reds and yellows had faded away, replaced by a dull palette of grays and whites. Maddie longed for the warmth of the sun on her skin, the feeling of grass beneath her feet, and not having to wear so many layers.

Despite her dislike for the weather and shortness of the day, Maddie found solace in the comfort of Kai. He was her constant amidst the changing seasons, his presence bringing warmth and laughter.

They haven't spoken or acted on anything since that almost kiss. It was or the better, Kai didn't seem interested in romance or even sex, and that was completely fine. He had a fair share of other things occupying his mind. For the first days after, Madelene felt rejected, stupid even, but the siphoner's behavior never seemed to change towards her. He was still touchy, affectionate, funny. Not at all as uncomfortably awkward as she was.

It has been hard. Making sure to stay on top of school, satisfying her mother's wishes, training magic, going to coven meet-ups, and trying to sleep while the horror unfolded every time she closed her eyes. And she had to hide, her coven could never know of the nature of her and Kai's relationship.

She didn't sleep almost at all, big bags under her eyes were now a part of her look, permanently imprinted into her skin giving it a purple-ish color. Heavy concealer for the under-eye was her other new best friend. Every time her eyes closed, the screaming banshee was cursing her out, yelling, making her head spin. The constant barrage of screams and accusations from the elderly woman in her dreams haunted Maddie's every waking moment, leaving her drained and weary. The lines between reality and nightmare blurred, leaving her feeling like she was trapped in a never-ending cycle of torment, the only break was seeing Kai. He seemed to make all worries disappear. She was lucky to get three hours of sleep a night after seeing him, which was a lot for her for the past few months.

The dream seemed to be more urgent and nagging, but there was nothing she felt she could do to stop it. She thought the ancestors were telling her to save Kai from his father, and she was trying, but she was just a teenage girl.

On top of that, the search for her father was fruitless, both she and Kai worked tirelessly to find a spell that could work, but nothing has, and to be honest, giving up was on the cards sooner than she expected. Maybe her father just did not want to be found. 

"You might need to go to the doctor Mads" Carly looked genuinely as if she saw a ghost.

It was the last day of classes before the winter and Christmas break.

Exams were finished and at least one of her problems solved itself. She planned to do absolutely nothing during all of the breaks, of course except the winter solstice celebration.

"Carly, I'm-"

"Ok? Yea no, this would have bought me two months ago. You look like a wreck" Carly held out her palms and planted them on each of her friend's shoulders "Let's have a sleepover today"

Madelene cried out in her head, please no "I will ask my mom, I have to go now, call my house later and I will confirm" she spoke before leaving Carly's embrace and walking back to her locker.

She was too scared of screaming in her sleep and worrying the blonde even more, besides Kai didn't like her much, despite never really meeting fully. He always had a snarky remark about her whenever she even as little as mentioned her name. He felt like she was very judgy and snarky, like his sister. She didn't want to upset him or worse, risk losing his friendship. 

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