Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

That night was quiet. After that short clash with Spira, Hikari was silently walking with her sister. Rei has changed since being forced with the shikigami. Her voice sounds like 2 people talking at the same time. Her arms are covered in bandages. 
“Looks like you’ve been observing me.” Rei broke the silence.
Hikari looked away with a sigh, “Can’t help it. You got the shikigami forced in you. I want to see that you will not be sick or something.”
Rei chuckled, “Drop the act, little sister. I know you want the same thing.”
“What makes you think that?” Hikari asked as she looked away.
Rei stared at her face up close, “Why don’t you just admit that this time you lost to me?”
“Tsk, quit thinking about competition. Spira is a threat to us.” Hikari smirked, “and as part of our mission is to arrest or kill her.”
“Our mission? I don’t think so. Maybe just your mission.” Rei grinned as she pointed to her sister. Hikari sighed again as she nuzzled away her hand aside and continued walking. Rei rolled her eyes before doing the same.

“King Eichiro, your daughters have arrived,” a servant announced.
The king consort stood to his seat as he waived for the servant to give way. The door opened and trumpets’ sounds filled the main hall as the twins walked down the aisle and bowed in front of him.
“Good morning, my children. Raise your heads.” Eichiro said as he approached the twins, “Thank the gods, both of you have safely returned.”
As the twins stood up and before the king consort got close, a figure appeared from above and dive kicking towards them, creating a loud crashing noise.
Rei, knowing who the figure is, braced herself. She covered her head as if defending herself for an attack. The king consort covered his face with his hand in embarrassment as the trumpeters and the servants caught wide-eyed at that moment.
“My mother, this is some nasty surprise…” Hikari calmly said while observing the surroundings. The ground where the figure dropped cracked as if it was made of glass.
Lady Sayuri saw everybody staring at her and looked below, “Oops.. Looks like I overdid it.”
The king consort can only chuckle as a reply.
Rei let out a sigh as she tried to compose herself, “Mother, please for once, act your a-!” she stopped when the queen covered her mouth with her palm.
“Don’t even say it!” the queen exclaimed before removing her hand from Rei’s face. Rei sighed as she glared back.
“Now that you have returned, I would like to hear your report.” Sayuri said as she walked to her throne and sat. The king consort followed.
Hikari bowed first before beginning her report, “My mother, when I reached Spira’s base, I saw Rei got already tied up and held by Spira. I tried to fight her alone, and she was able to escape. And by the looks of it-…” she stopped when Rei bowed and spoke.
“I am able to retrieve the shikigami before I got tied up though. Spira caught me in some sort of spell before Hikari came. If she had come earlier, we would have defeated her easily.”
The queen and the king consort looked at each other before staring back at the twins.
“The way I see it, looks like you willingly have yourself captured so that Spira can force the shikigami onto you!” Hikari exclaimed.
“That’s nonsense!” Rei cried as she glared at Hikari.
“Enough!” the king consort growled as he stood up, “Where is the shikigami?”
The queen shrugged as her head leaned on one hand, covered her eyes.
“It’s inside her.” Hikari spoke, “When I get there and saw her wrapped up like a larva turning into a cocoon. She was in pain…”
“How did you know all of that when you arrived late?” Rei asked while glaring at her sister.
The younger princess walked in front of the queen and bowed before facing her sister, “That’s because Spira told me so…”
The queen smiled as she stood up and said, “It’s very obvious from the start that Rei has the orb in question.” 
Eichiro and the twin princesses all looked as the queen approached them.
“It’s our own weapon, created by our ancestors and is one of those what they call it, living weapons.” She explained, “These living weapons choose their own masters, filling in for their own weaknesses. And looks like that bastard Spira was not lucky enough.”
“That bandit is trying to mess with you, my queen.” Eichiro remarked. He looked at Rei, “but enough of her, how much do you know?”
Rei sighed, “I have no clue about what you are saying, father.”
The queen suddenly appeared in front of her and poked her forehead, “So be it, my daughter.” Then she announced, “consider this mission a failure for both of you.”
Hikari sighed, “I’m sorry, my mother. I shall ta- “ she was stopped when her sister glared at her while clenching her fists.
“I will take responsibility!” Rei shouted as she bowed down.
Lady Sayuri laughed as she walked back to her throne, “Even if you say you will take responsibility, nothing changes the fact that you both failed to work on your difference and do the mission well. Now that the bastard Spira is on the loose and the shikigami is forced to one of us.”
Eichiro cleared his throat before speaking, “You girls will be temporarily suspended on taking Matsumoto campaigns. This is for you to reflect your mistakes and train yourselves.”
“But father! It’s Hikari’s fault! If she didn’t arrive late, we would have Spira’s head.” Rei exclaimed, “and I was able to bring the shikigami back home as instructed.”
The queen suddenly appeared behind Rei and grabbed her neck, “That’s enough. You have guts to say you take the responsibility and yet pin the blame on your sister…”
Rei tried to struggle against the clutching arms of her mother. With the newfound strength of the shikigami, she managed get free by forcefully pushing away the grip. However, as she turned to face the queen, she was about to receive a backhand slap that could knock her out.
“!!!” Sayuri was wide eyed when she saw Hikari getting in the way and block her hand. Even though she was able to block her, the pure raw strength of the queen sent her rolling to the wall. Hikari stood up smiling as if nothing happened.
“What a shameful scene…” Sayuri spoke as she glared at Rei before leaving the main hall with the king consort, “…even with the shikigami, you still rely on her to defend yourself.”
Rei was dumbstruck. She thought she had enough strength now that she has shikigami. Looking at her bandaged hands, she knows she still has lots to do to get her desired power.
“Are you alright?” Hikari asked.
“Tch!” Rei scowled as she faced her sister, “Drop the act. You’re not fooling anybody about the fact that you are just jealous.” she said as she stomped her foot and left.

Rei stayed in her room all afternoon. She tried to sleep but her thoughts of the shikigami keeps bothering her. As she sat down in a lotus position, she breathed deep and closed her eyes.
Living weapon? Ridiculous! There’s no such thing.
She opened her eyes and everything on her vision went gray-scaled. She tried not to panic and looked around. She saw a naked woman sitting on her window, facing her. Her face is obscured by her hair similarly done as hers.
“Of course there is such a thing.” The figure says as she approached Rei.
You can read my mind?
“Do not be afraid…” the figure spoke again, “… master.”
Rei tried to move from her position but saw herself floating and being wrapped up just like how Spira did to her before. The figure reached out for her hair and combed it just like how their mother do it when she was young. 
“That’s it, master. Calm down.” 
With only her head free of the bandages, Rei stopped struggling. She gasped in horror when the figure showed her face: an exact copy of herself with inverted eye color.
“Wait, you’re calling me master?” Rei asked, “Who are you?”
“I have many names, but you can call me Shikigami. I am one of the living weapons.” The figure replied while holding her like a bride through a wedding. As she laid her down to her bed, her hand slowly caressed the mummified princess’ body from her breasts down to her midsection, “And I know who you are, master. I have peeked into your soul the moment we met. I know all your secrets, your desires and your weaknesses.”
Rei felt uncomfortable with her captor’s touches but can’t do anything about it. Looking straight into her captor’s eyes, she asked, “… and my mother said that the likes of you could fill in their master’s weaknesses. Is that right?”
The figure nodded, “That is our main purpose.”
“Then why did you choose me?” Rei asked.
The shikigami sat atop of her, putting her arms around the princess’ back and pulled her face closer, “The other woman already has a living weapon with her. It is a rule that a person can only have one living weapon in his lifetime. Otherwise, the weapons will try to manifest and fight each other and destroy both.”
Rei laughed despite of the discomfort, “… so you only chose me because you going to be disposed?”
“Nope.” the figure answered back, “besides, I can tell that you will need anything to gain power. The power to be ahead… of your sister?”
Rei glared at her captor, “You are not just a talking manifestation of the shikigami…”
The figure stood up, looking at her. Rei felt something vibrating inside her. It was the same as before. Sexual pleasure began to fill her thoughts, but the princess tried to remain focus on trying to break away from the bonds. After a few minutes, she was gasping trying to hold it back.
“Don’t try to fight destiny, master.” The figure taunted, “The more that you fight it, the more it becomes dreadful.”
Moments after, Rei uttered a groan before ‘exploding’. The feeling was so intense to the point that she didn’t notice that the bandages are gone and she was back sitting in her previous position. She felt aroused yet to herself, this is just a test.
“Looks like someone here needs a babysitter…” a voice broke the noise in the room. When Rei opened her eyes, she saw Lady Sayuri up close looking at her, grinning as if ready to burst into laughter. In a fit of panic, she leaped back.
“M-mother! Don’t surprise me like this!” she exclaimed.
The queen giggled as a reply.
Rei pouted as she looked away in embarrassment, “By the way, do you need anything from me, my mother?”
The queen stood up, still trying to hold her laughter, “I want to talk to you about that shikigami of yours. But first… get yourself properly dressed.”
Rei looked at herself in a giant mirror. The reflection showed nothing indifferent. She is wearing a white kimono and light blue hakama. It dawned on her when she reached her midsection. She realized that she actually wetted herself due her conversation with the shikigami. Caught off-guard and embarrassed, she quietly changed her clothes while the queen burst into hysterical laughter. After holding her breath and composed herself, the queen headed to the door.
“Just head to the garden once you’re done.” Lady Sayuri said as she disappeared from Rei’s sight.

“Here I am, my dear mother.” Rei spoke.
“Good. I shall be direct to the point.” The queen replied. Unlike her expression few minutes ago, her demeanor is serious. Rei nodded as a reply.
“The shikigami is one of our precious weapon. Its wielder will have an increase of abilities once he masters this.” Lady Sayuri replied, “but just like other living weapons, if you are not careful, it will probably just be a burden not to mention of possibilities of being killed.”
Rei looked at her hands, “What are you going to do, mother?”
The queen smiled while putting her hands on Rei’s shoulder, “I don’t plan on getting it back, my dear daughter. However, I am skeptical that you and the shikigami will work in unison. What I wanted to do is to train you on its capabilities. Who knows, you might need it someday.”
Rei, surprised if what she heard, immediately bowed, “Please. Train me.”
“Of course, you’re my daughter after all.” The queen said while putting her hands to her daughter’s back, “Shall we get started?”
“Yes, mother. But before we do this, I have a favor to ask.” Rei replied as she tried to look around.
“What is it?”
Rei blushed as she spoke, “Can we make this training a secret to Hikari?”
Lady Sayuri giggled, “You know, she’s the one who requested to do this.”
The eldest twin was dumbstruck. Her sister trying to make her look like pushover. Clenching her fist in anger, she punched the ground. With the strength of the shikigami, she felt no pain. The ground left a small pothole. Surprised by the damage she caused, she unwrapped her hand and found her hand not even scratched or bruised.
“See?” The queen spoke, “It could be more powerful if you’re trained.”
Rei smiled. It may be that powerful for now. But nothing shall stop her from getting what she wants. 
I will train to get more power.
Then I shall be with you, master! She heard that familiar voice. 

At the other side of the palace, Eichiro saw Hikari. The younger princess was on her knees, eyes closed and with her sword ready in one hand. A leaf detached from a tree just above her and in a split second, she slashed, neatly cutting the leaf as she sheathed the sword. 
“Impressive.” The king consort commented, “Fast, accurate and graceful.”
Hikari put her sword down as she replied, “Father, I still have a long way to go.”
Eichiro smiled. Unlike her sister who relies on strength, the younger twin princess trained herself every day, striving for perfection of her abilities. She studied every weapon and magic that her hands can reach. She also studied strategy and fighting tactics that only him and the queen can match equally. In her spare time, she also watches the palace vanguards’ training.
“My daughter, I know you are disappointed on our decision to suspend you for our campaigns. But training like this is not just the way of life.” Eichiro said, “Sometimes, you need to relax too.” He added as she pat the younger princess’ shoulder.
Hikari looked at the king consort’s eyes, “I’m alright, father. But I can’t stand idle, especially Rei has a dangerous weapon.”
“I agree. But since you asked your mother to take care of that, what’s worrying you?” Eichiro asked.
Hikari sighed before replying, “Honestly… I have a bad feeling about her having that weapon. What I have learned from the books is that living weapons tend to influence their masters’ actions. Coming from a bandit who ‘forced’ the shikigami onto her, it’s hard to tell if she can manage to tame that weapon or the other way around.”
The king consort pat her shoulders, “Fair enough. Just don’t be to uptight on yourself.”
Hikari nodded.
“I have an idea. Since you wont take a rest, perhaps we can have a sparring session.” Eichiro said.
Hikari bowed, “I was about to ask…”
“Very well, Hikari. Now there will be a wager if I win.” The king consort announced, “If I win… hmmm let’s see. How about having a break from training and having to cook for us for like a day or two?”
Hikari nonchalantly replied, “What about if I win, father?”
“Then I shall be your training partner for 5 days.” 
5 days training with the one-man vanguard? Now that is something I can not let pass! She thought. Eyes sparkling with determination, she spoke, “Father, then let’s do it!”

The king consort distanced himself from the princess. He hid both his hands in his pockets.
“Ready when you are.”
Hikari stared at him, “No weapons, father?”
“Oh I do have a weapon.” Eichiro replied while showing his armguards, “En garde, princess.”
Hikari wasted no time, raised her arm as if trying to grab something above. The moment she clenched her fist, she pulled her sword in a slashing motion. The king consort knew something invisible coming to him and did a hook with his left arm. There was a razor wind that hit the armguard and emitted a tapping sound but he didn’t flinch. The walls behind him showed visible damage.
The princess tried again. Instead of slashing the air once, she did it three times. Eichiro, as if bored, danced against the projectiles, waltzing and closing the distance between him and his opponent. Sensing that razor winds are ineffective and the king consort trying to get close, she put her sword back to its scabbard and leaped back.
Eichiro smiled, “Now, it’s my turn.”
He showed his clenched right fist. With a small grunt, he flicked his index finger. Hikari acting on her reflexes, pulled her sword to defend herself against a faster projectile. Though she saw nothing, there was a stronger force almost knocking her grip to her weapon, pushing her back greatly to the point she almost stumbled.
Regaining her composure after being hit, the princess pulled her sword once more. The blade radiated with white light. She disappeared and reappeared right above the king consort’s head. However, before she was able to swing her weapon, Eichiro grabbed her arm and threw her to the nearest tree. Albeit the surprise, Hikari landed on her feet safely.
“Lightning enhancement, I see.” The king consort commented, “…but don’t you know, the wind is a natural insulator?”
Hikari closed her eyes as she raised her arm and aimed her palm to her opponent. If her opponent using wind, the fire magic should definitely counter it. A fireball with the size of a small child appeared. With a swipe of her hand, the fireball travelled towards Eichiro. As if reading her mind, the king consort countered by simply doing an uppercut, causing it to explode.
“Of course this is magic.” Eichiro said, “These elements can be mixed just like colors for a painting.”
“…” Hikari could only scowl upon realizing she will be likely screwed if the king consort used more than two elemental magics. Rather than panicking, she went for an attack. The king consort showed his hands. Then a ball of fire formed in his right hand and a ball of water on the other. The princess gasped in surprise when he fused the two balls by one clap. The king consort gently put his palm to the ground and in a few moments, white fog enveloped the area. With her vision being impaired, her opponent went missing in her sight. Eichiro blindsided her and sneak a gut punch to her.
Staggering from a rather underhanded blow, Hikari leaped back. She raised her sword above her head and twirled it with one hand. Within a few seconds, whirlwind formed around her effectively dispersing the fog.
“Good job, my daughter.” Eichiro uttered as he rushed to her from behind for an attack, “!!!”. He stopped in the midair when he noticed his arm suddenly showed multiple cuts upon closing his distance. Hikari mixed her razor wind attack with the whirlwind to protect herself. Caught off-guard upon seeing his wounds, he stopped to try for another sneak attack. However, he failed to notice that the whirlwind is pulling him close to his opponent. The razor wind would have shredded him if had he not pulled back.
Hikari stopped spinning her sword. She felt her legs trembling as the whirlwind technique costed majority of her stamina and magic power. Holding her sword now with both hands, the blade emitted light. She disappeared and reappeared in front of her opponent and swung her sword. Eichiro either acting on his instincts or perhaps reflexes, blocked her sword with his armguards. Though he felt that it was a much stronger attack, he didn’t flinch nor staggered. The surprised princess tried to swing her sword one more time but the king consort blocked her using his two fingers.
“So strong…” Hikari said while trying to pull her sword away from Eichiro. But her opponent won’t give her a chance. The sword appeared to have locked between his middle and index finger. She tried to do a spinning kick to his face but ended up being blocked with his other free arm. 
This is the strength of the so-called One Man Vanguard. Realizing that she does not have much strength to fight, she let go of her sword and jumped back.
Raising her hands up followed by a sigh, she declared, “I surrender, dear father.”
Eichiro smiled as he tossed Hikari’s sword in front of her, “That was a blast, my child.” 
Hikari picked the sword with trembling hands and put it to its scabbard, “I lost and will be doing our wager. So I will cook-“
“No. I take it back.” The king consort interrupted her, “You will rest easy, Hikari. Rest for a few days.” He said as he approached the princess to tap her shoulder, “I want you to enjoy your days off.”
Hikari bowed and gave her sword to him, “Thank you, father. I shall take my leave then.”
“There’s the festival of fireworks tomorrow, my child.” Sayuri said from behind surprising the king consort, “I can arrange for a horse so you can take a stroll if you like.”
Hikari bowed as she replied, “No thanks, dear mother. I will be fine walking around.”
“Alright then. Looks like you had a great battle here.” The queen spoke as she looked around, “Take rest.”
The princess smiled as she walked away silently.
“How did she do?” the queen nudged her shoulder to the king consort, “looks like you had fun.”
Eichiro looked at his wounded arms, “The good thing about her is that she knows when and how to react…” he took a glance on his fingers he used to block the last attack which appeared to be burnt, “the bad thing about it, she easily tires out.”
“Well, how about you, my dear?” Sayuri asked, looking at his wounds.
"I’m alright. I enjoyed it. She’ll likely be stronger than us if she continues her training…” the king consort replied after a sigh.
“Now about this mess…” the queen cradled his chin to force him to observe the damages around the place, “… who’s going to clean those?”
Eichiro’s face became white and pale. He gasped in horror upon realizing that they sparred on the queen’s garden.
“My dear?” Sayuri glared at him with a cheshire cat-like grin.
“Uhhh…” The king consort nervously looked at the queen. His face already sweaty.
“FIX MY GARDEN THE INSTANT OR YOU’RE IN FOR A LONG NIGHT!” the queen shouted at the top of her lungs before stomping at Eichiro’s foot and left.
And Eichiro, the king consort, had a long night indeed.

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