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Kage's POV

3 weeks pass by, they couldn't get much information about Kevin. They both became partners for a lot cases, Sherlock took her on cases, her skills really helped him get a break.

4:36 pm

"Sherlock Holmes!" I barge into his apartment only to find a man sitting on the couch, middle aged, I look at him with a confused look.

"Good morning?" He says to the girl in front of him.

Sherlock walks out his room and notices the awkward silence in the hall.
"Kage that's John, John Watson, he was out wasting time with a girl on a vacatio-"

"sherlock, she's serious about me" John says defensively and maybe he was even offended

Sherlock gives him a small eye roll before moving his attention towards me

"I found out another one of his old address, he might still be there" I say handing him the diary

"Kage" he lets out a breath, "we have searched almost every house of his"

"But this is the most recent o-" he cuts me off

"Its useless" he says in a higher tone

"oh? and what have you searched in these 3 weeks?" I say with an annoyance in my voice.

Sherlocks takes in a deep breath as he pinches the bridge of his nose. John just sits there and watches the two argue.

He looks up at her, he has really done nothing for the case.

"I received a call about a murder on the riv-" I cut him off

"I feel like fish on a hook, I want to find Kevin" I say as slamming my hand on the table beside me, flinching John.

she's not wrong, he can't use her as an assistant

"John. I'll be back" he says picking up his coat as he starts walking out.

John looks at sherlock then at Kage in confusion.

"bye" I say giving him a quick smile before leaving.

5:24 pm

We sat in the taxi waiting to reach the destination, awkwardness filling up my body, I urged to speak something, anything.

"My first name is Talia" I say randomly trying to make a conversation

"Talia, Hebrew name which means a dew of heaven" sherlock says showing off his knowledge.

"Kage, Japanese word for shadow also your mother's name, you'renot in good terms with her, but you changed it for your dad" he states.

I ignore him looking out the window, dark alleyways, drunkards, old houses this place had them all

"Great place to live" Sherlock says sarcastically looking out the window as well.

As they reach the destination, it wasn't any better, same dark alleyway, full of creepy old men.

I light a cigarette and start walking, sherlock right behind me

She seemed unfazed by the creepy men staring at her. Her personality was totally different from the one in her office. The cigarettes really do piss him off, after all, he's trying to quit but he couldn't help but get tempted for even a  single puff

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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