Chapter 101: Hira'a's Hurrahs

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"Wait 'til she finds out she's an aunt," she smiled.


Zuko and Azula were talking to Noren when the prince suddenly found himself being tackled by Kiyi for the second time that morning.

"Big brother!" she said excitedly.

Noren was tempted to scold his daughter for her overly enthusiastic attack on the Crown Prince again, but seeing Zuko laughing as he held her, he refrained from reproving her this time. And though Zuko found it difficult to breathe for how tightly her little arms were wound around his neck, he enjoyed her excitement. It even jolted his memories of Azula doing the same at a much younger age than Kiyi before Ozai found it necessary to put a rift between them.

"The princess said you were my big brother," she said happily, releasing him from her hug.

"She did?" he asked as if it were news to him. "But then that would mean I have another little sister."

Azula was surprised to hear her brother speak the words "little sister" in such a fond tone, especially considering their history, but what struck her even more was how she found his gentle tone heartwarming. She was not yet sure how to handle having a little sister, but amid the heap of negative emotions and feelings which had driven her for so many years, there were positive ones of which she had been so recently drawn towards. Instead of anger, envy, or condescension, there was a more fulfilling feeling of affection as she watched her older brother tickling the girl who was squealing with laughter. It was reminiscent of another time, as though somewhere in her memories she was the little girl happily squealing at her big brother's playful attention.


After breakfast Zuko and Chiara left his mother's house and started walking towards the center of town where Nersala lived. When Shiza, Nersala's husband, answered the door, his eyes grew wide upon recognizing the young couple even with the prince wearing an eye patch.

"Prince Zuko, Princess Chiara...." He bowed before stepping aside. "...please come in."

They returned his bow before entering.

"It's an honor to have you in our home again."

"It's good to see you too, Shiza," said Zuko.

"Nersala is currently with a patient," he said, "but you may sit." He pointed to the table where they sat with his family during their last visit. "You will have tea?"

"Yes, thank you," said the Prince.

"Everyone in the village was excited to hear about the defeat of Ozai," he said as he poured water into the teapot. "The whole island really." He set the pot over a flame. "When my son and his friends returned they were so proud to have been able to help. He still speaks of his night in the royal palace and the banquet."

"It was the least we could do," said Zuko, "especially after they fought so hard to prevent Ozai from burning down the Earth Kingdom."

"They told everyone all about the airship battles and the Avatar fighting the Fire Lord...uh, the former Fire Lord. And Rizin was quite shocked to see how young the Avatar was, especially after witnessing such bending power during the fight."

"The Avatar State can be frightening," said Chiara. "And we've never even seen him at full power using all his bending abilities."

Zuko stared at her. "You're right," he agreed, thinking back to the few times he had seen Aang in the Avatar State. "That must've been thrilling to watch."

"Rizin also spoke of a child earthbender who could bend metal," said Shiza.

The couple grinned. "That's Aang's...the Avatar's earthbending sifu," said Zuko.

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