Chapter 16

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Rose woke and frowned in confusion when she felt something soft covering her skin. Realizing that someone had put a soft blanket over her, she tried to figure out what had woken her up. Groaning at the stupid beeping that was by her head she slapped her phone until the alarm ceased. She went to go slide out from under her bed but the soft cushion under her had her sitting up and realizing that she was in her bed not under it. Figuring she must have crawled out and into her bed before she got too tired, she slipped out from under the blanket and headed to the bathroom.

Changing into some leggings, a sports bra and a spaghetti strap tank, she slipped into her running shoes and slipped her earbuds into her ears before putting her phone in the pocket of her leggings. EDM remixes filled her ears as she started humming while pulling her hair up into a ponytail.

"Come on Zeusy," she called out as she headed toward the kitchen for a water bottle. Seeing him struggle to get out of his bed, she frowned, "not feeling it right now, baby boy?" she asked as she knelt down in front of him. He laid back down so she kissed his forehead, "alright, let me get your meds and then I'll be back in a bit, okay?" He booped her hand and she smiled before covering his face with kisses. "Wanna watch Mummy while I run?" he woofed making her giggle so she turned it on then covered his back up with his favorite blanket. "I'll be right back with your snackie, baby boy."

Pushing open the kitchen door, she squeaked in surprise seeing Aurora's fathers talking to one another. "Forget we were here, Baby?" North chuckled at her adorableness.

"Yeah," she barely whispered.

"What was the alarm for?" Sean asked.

"Have a good nap?" Axel asked.

"Um..." she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "run."

"Oh, can I join?" Nathan's eyes lit up. "We never got to the last time we visited. But if you need to do it alone it's okay."

"Why did you turn on the TV if you're about to run?" Corey asked.

"One question at a time, Gentlemen," Owen said as he took in her yoga breathing. "When you're ready."

She gave him a grateful look before taking in another deep breath. "Zeusy's too bad," she groaned. "Watch fav show, give meds."

"Is his medicine here?" Sean asked as he opened the cabinet that was labeled medicine. They knew she had everything labeled for the days her brain fog was bad. It made it easier for them to find stuff without feeling like they were snooping. She dropped her hands and walked over. Pulling out the bag that had CBD treats in it she poured out two then put the bag back. Opening the freezer she grabbed the box that was doggie ice cream and dumped it into a plastic bowl then crushed up the treats to sprinkle on top.

Tapping her tablet that was on the counter she tapped away for a minute then the men heard Alexa say, "Dog ice cream was added to the grocery list. Dog medicine was added to the shopping list."

"If want can," she whispered before she picked up the bowl and walked out of the kitchen.

"Oh I so am," Nathan said as he quickly stood.

"Me too," Luke nodded.

"Keep a close eye on her," Sean warned. "Don't let her push herself to the point she tries to outrun her feelings and ends up hurting herself or going too far."

"Yes Sir," both men nodded before they went to get ready.

The men stood and followed them out of the room to find something they weren't really surprised to see and yet at the same time it was shocking. "Alright baby boy, there we go," Rose said as she placed Zeus in the recliner before making it recline. "And here is my blanket so I can wash yours," she put the blanket from her room around him, "and here is your snackie. Watch Rick dom Evie and show her real love and no trying to scare off the mummies, Rick will do all the work," she giggled at Zeus playfully growl then huff. "Silly Zeusy, you can patrol the house once I get back, okay?" He softly woofed so she kissed all over his face again. "My protector. Now I won't be long, I promise. Just relax and watch our favorite movie and I'll catch up when I get back. I should be back before Rick goes all dom and scolds her for opening the book of the dead." He woofed making her giggle and rub her nose against his, "I promise I'll be careful. I love you Zeusy Woosy. I'll be right back." Her voice was a little raspy from barely using it but still every time they heard her talk was like magic to them.

She kissed him one more time then adjusted his blanket and turned up the movie a little more. She picked up her water bottle then headed outside. Just as she was finished stretching she felt someone behind her. Turning to see Nathan and Luke stretching, a soft smile formed before she started jogging.

She didn't look back to see if they were following and she appreciated that they didn't surround her as she sped up and started running. Nathan threw Luke a glance as they continued to run behind her. "Think she will be okay?" Luke asked as they continued to jog.

"I have no idea," he breathed out, "but I wouldn't be surprised if she breaks down. Him not being able to run with her on what seems to be a routine for them after having to deal with that asshole is the reality of what he said being true. I mean I agree with Owen that she already knows the reality of the situation but she was dealing with it on her own and now having to listen to him and now this back to back..."

"Yeah," Luke groaned. "I know we're going to have to deal with it eventually with Max and Zeus but fuck, what if we aren't here when it happen, Nate?"

"Yeah I know," Nathan nodded, "and I have a feeling the rest are thinking the same thing. Knowing Axel and Owen though, they are already planning something."

"Do you think she will say yes at the end of the two weeks?" Luke asked as they sped up a little seeing her start to run faster.

"Honestly? Yes," Nathan nodded, "she wants to believe but I think whatever her ex did really pushed her into not believing herself and even though we have made huge strides in being her friends she still has that voice in her head. But now that we burst that bubble she was too scared to leave and forced her eyes open to reality, she is trying to believe in that hope that's in her. She didn't have to say yes to trying and she didn't have to show Silas her hiding comfort spots or include us in that stupid ass meeting but she did. She is trying to finally ignore it and be open to her hopes and if we just keep being there and showing her I think she will finally start to believe."

"Thank fuck," Luke grinned. "I mean I was fine staying how we were but fuck I'm so glad the boys ratted us out finally."

The rest of the run was done in silence as they continued to follow behind her. An hour later they were walking back towards the house. She had her hands on her head and she was doing some breathing techniques that Nathan had taught her to help calm down.

Luke opened the front door and she smiled when she heard Rick say, "We didn't read that book. I told you not to play around with that thing. Didn't I tell you not to play around with that thing?"

"Zeusy!" She giggled as he came running toward her then did zoomies around the room. She frowned as she heard Raven yelling in Russian into his phone as he paced. "Do I dare ask?"

Corey shook his head. "His father has apparently sent his jet to our place with a vet tech. One of the security dogs had a litter and the mother rejected the pup. He seems to think Rave and us can take the puppy and find a home for it after it gets stronger. He is about to handle some stuff so he can't have the maids care for the pup, especially with the mother not wanting anything to do with it. Raven tried telling him we aren't there, we are visiting you and he is wanting to bring the pup here but Raven is refusing."

"Why?" she frowned.

"Because it's a newborn pup, Doll," Axel said calmly. "It was literally born last night. It has to be bottle fed every couple of hours and it's going to be a lot of work. There is no guarantee it will survive. It might be too much for you."

"Have you," she frowned. "It's baby," she pouted, "have try." She walked over to the Russian that was trying to keep his calm now that his kitten was back home. "Yevgeny."

"Kotenok," he breathed as she put her hand on his chest.

"Bring the puppy home."

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