Scene 5 - Human Stuff

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(Meanwhile, Luca and Alberto have been looking through the different shops in the market, and naturally have been fascinated by all the human stuff.)

Alberto: (With Luca by the tool stand) Woah... look at all this human stuff!

Luca: (Picking up a hammer) This is what... humans use to build things, right?

Alberto: Yup! Just like they use these, too! (Picking up some really sharp tool and giving it a swing)

(And of course the owner of the tool stand gives him a look of "Really, kid, you better not break that" and he puts it down sheepishly.)

Alberto: (Sheepish laugh) Sorry... WELL, we'd better get going! (Grabbing Luca by the wrist and pulling him off)

Luca: Where are we going now...?

Alberto: (Brushing his hands off and then pointing with both of them to the book shop) That one!

(And the boys pop up in front of it to start looking.)

Luca: This one is cool... And so's this one! And this one's really old... (And in no time at all he's holding this stupidly large amount of books and trying to pick the best one) Which one... should I... (Almost dropping them all) Oops-

Alberto: (Holding an open book upside-down) You'll figure it out.

Luca: You know that's... upside-down, right? (Putting all his books back on the counter to sort them out there)

Alberto: Right- My bad. I was just... testing it. (Flipping it back) Right, Giulia? ...Giulia?

Luca: Wasn't she just here? (Starting to get nervous)

Alberto: (Realizing) Yeah... (Trying to not freak him out) B-but it's not like she could have gone far! Unless humans have some weird... teleporting ability...

Luca: (Hugging him) What if we don't find her- What if the kraken is real and it took her- What if we're next-????

Alberto: (Running out of air, about to say something)

(Before he can say anything, Giulia comes back to them, still looking a bit shaken up from earlier.)

Alberto: (Pointing to her) There-

Luca: (Switching to hug her) We thought we lost you!

Alberto: (Recovering air, interjecting) He thought we lost you. I... wasn't worried. At all.

Giulia: (Laugh) Woah, ragazzi, calm down. I'm fine, I promise.

Alberto: So... where were you, if you weren't with us?

Giulia: I was gonna follow you, but I saw this other shop, and I... went inside. I didn't think it would take that long, but- (Hesitating to tell them) There was a... long line.

Alberto: Did you see anything?

Giulia: No... Just a... weird person.

Alberto: That's why you left?

Giulia: (Slightly turning red) It was weird, okay? She knew something that I didn't, and... it's hard to explain. But I'm fine now.

Luca: (Seeing she wants to change the topic) We uh... found some books here... if you want to look.

Giulia: (Handing him the money) You can use it. I've been here plenty of times, and it's your guys' first. I don't mind.

Luca: (Looking at it in awe) Thanks!! And we won't hold any of them upside down- (As Alberto slaps a hand over his mouth)

Giulia: ...Why would you... do that...?

Luca: (Pointing with his thumb to Alberto)

Alberto: (Still has his hands over his mouth, nervous laugh) That's... funny... I wouldn't do that.

Giulia: (Smirk) Yeah, right.

Alberto: (Taking his hands off) You sure you don't want anything?

Giulia: I would, but I'm... going to the beach. I need a break.

Alberto: (Confused) We haven't even been here for an hour-

Giulia: (Trying to cover up what happened in the shop) It's just... really crowded, you know? Lots of people and I... need some fresh air...! Okay gotta go ciao-!! (Running off before they can ask)

Alberto: ...We're already outside... (Rolling eyes) Humans. Right, Luca? (Looking around) ...Luca...? (Groan) Why does that always happen...?

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