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Do I still have any idea what I'm doing?

Not at all.

I still could be doing everything wrong.

But somehow, some part of me decided that it was about time I reworked the old draft of this script that I published in August of 2023. So here we are.

Am I still self-conscious of putting this out here for who knows many people to read? Definitely. And as I sit here writing this, I am starting to consider all the life choices that have brought me to this point. But I guess somehow, life goes on.

If you weren't here to read the previous, now-unpublished version of this script, hi. Don't worry, you haven't missed out on much. The basic plot is still the same, but I've added more elements and twists to make it more... twisty. Or something.

Sorry if I'm boring you; I'll get to the juicier details now.

The characters designs from the first movie remain the same - there's no design or clothing changes or anything. I want for the characters to be just as recognizable as they were in the last film, and maintain a bit of that familiar, honest aspect - like an old friend that you can always spot in a crowd.

However, while we're on character designs... there is clearly one design that has undergone major, slightly fishy alterations. And because I like to suffer creatively and spend actual hours trying to find the right colors for the visuals in my head, here it is.

Giulia's very own now-full-color sea monster design, illustrated by yours truly.

Giulia's very own now-full-color sea monster design, illustrated by yours truly

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Not much has changed from the old script's design, except for... the fact that this one has color. And trust me, there is method to my madness in why this design looks the way it does, and if we really want to get into all the little details... I'm going to bore everyone to death. So if you want the full explanation, drop a comment/review and I'll give all the details in an after-note.

Also unlike the old script, this time, all the characters have their full first name rather than an initial to mark their dialogue.

I have also taken my own spins on things that were not as touched on in the previous movie... which will lead to some deep Marcovaldo family secrets (but you'll have to read more to find them out). And a cute ending of course, but you'll also have to read on.

So why am I sharing this? There's... a lot of reasons. I definitely want to get this out into the world. When I first started writing, I mostly kept the script private, but as time has gone on, it's become more and more easy for me to share it - at least briefly - with others. And this is a way for me to do that. The first movie is one of my absolute favorites, and making a sequel to it has been something I have always wanted to do.

As you can see, this script has been placed under CC Attribution-NoDerives. This means you can make art or animations or little bits of whatever, but you cannot alter any pieces of the story and you must give credit to me... Saying that makes me sound like I'm full of myself and that is definitely not the case. But if you make any art, I would love to see it.

This is also a completely family-friendly story, so feel free to share it with anyone!

That being said, writing this entire mess of chaos has taken me well over a year and a half to do so. A lot has changed in my life since I first started writing this, which has even led to me changing details of the script and altering original scenes.

This new script is also not finished, unlike the old script. I'll post new scenes when I finish them (I have a friend who is a comedic genius and is helping me behind the scenes to work on this new script), but I cannot say that this will be on any specific rate, so don't expect this to be a "positing new scene every Saturday/Wednesday/etc" thing. Unless of course, you're here from far in the future where this entire script is published... so you don't have to worry about that.

At the end of the script, I plan to do what I love to see in books and post a list of different music that I listened to whilst writing.

Alright, I've taken up enough of your time with rambling in a foreword. Go ahead and click on to read this insane chaos, and check up on the stories of my favorite little Italian kiddos.

A presto, ciao, and bienvenuti to the world of Luca 2.

Luca 2: The Complete ScriptWhere stories live. Discover now