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Fuck my head hurts
Well damn my whole body hurts
I knew this time he didn't take it easy with me
I can't even feel my body and I need to leave to my room
I don't want him to come and meet me here. Dragging my sore body and swollen eyes I manage to make it to my room in record time
Looking at my night stand I noticed its 1 in the afternoon
I must have passed out for long because I'm hungry
I take off my clothes and walk slowly as I get in the shower and allow the warm water to pour on my sore spots relieving my instantly
I wash the dried blood and sweat from my body and I wrap my body with my towel careful to to touch my ribs I have my made plans to leave but I'm a coward to actually go through with it and anytime I leave he finds me I don't know how but he always finds me and I'm just tired of everything now I just want to die. I reported once to the police but they never believed me because everyone knows Tony
And he has this perfect image
I know he does illegal businesses that's why sometimes he comes home with blood stains all over him and some days he comes back with a lot of money not that I care about him but I just don't want anyone to barge in one day and murder me.Dressing doesn't take long
Not that I have a lot to select from
I have a few dresses but I'm not sad about it
I careful lie in bed careful not to hurt my ribs and plug in my headset and listen to some music
I set my alarm at 4 pm so I can get up to set everything before he comes back
4 pm came really fast as I tiredly drag myself to the kitchen going slow so I don't fall because I haven't eaten for some days now and my body is already weak and sore
I make it to the kitchen and start on the meal
Selecting the ingredients,I start on the meal
My mum love cooking so she always made me help her in the kitchen and after she died Tony never cooked so I had to learn how to cook on my own
It was tough at the beginning and as time went by I got the hang of it . Finally done with the meal I set the table checking to see the time it was some minted to 6
I hurriedly wash my hands and went to my room taking each step at a time
I lock my door as I headed for my bed since Tony doesn't mind but will just barge in
Carefully lie down my plug in my head set and listened to some music (if only you knew by Alexander Stewart) I listen to the song over and over again
You bitch it all your fault,my wife died because of you,you should died  instead and not hero don't even know why you are still alive.Tony shouts in my face whiles he slaps me
Please I'm sorry don't hurt me
I scream and scream but it looks like he doesn't even hear a word I say
My whole body hurts yet he does even stop
You pathetic piece of trash
You were not supposed to live I will kill you you hear me I will fucking kill you
He comes closer to me as he tears off my clothes
I scream while I try to cover my self but that only angers him more
He take off my under and he tries to pull he's shots down taking off he's belt he positions himself between my legs
At this point my voice is barely a whisper she he begins to thrust in me
I'm soo worthless
I can't even fight him
I'm disgusted with myself that I allow this man so this to me
I cry silently and when he finished with raping me he takes he clothes and goes to he's room leave me on my floor in my own pool of blood)

Guys please don't hate me🥲
I know but you will understand why she is going through the abuse
I promise it gets better😀
But for now bear with me
I love ❤️you all who are supporting me
It means a lot🤍

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