
The muffled voice bellows out of nowhere, it feels like there is a sound inside her head but she suspects the wind carries it. 

[..Run, my girl, save yourself..]

At once, the voice grows louder and louder, more strange, more bizarre than ever, to the point that Noviera tries to cover her ears as she tries to gasp for air.

She feels like she can't breathe, she wants to fall on her knees and scream the air out of her lungs, scream till she drives the strangeness away.

"STOPPP!!!", Noviera yells through her lungs.

As if understand what she means, the voice dies down, bringing back the former breeze of windy autumn, for the bizarreness a moment ago appears to never take place. She refuses to believe what she has just witnessed was a dream, a creation of her imagination. She quickly snaps her head back, surveys her surroundings, and decides to get back to the village.

Then suddenly,...WHOOSHH!!!!

A slight high-pitched whoosh sounds clear from above her head, while Noviera is racing quickly on her foot, she glances skyward, then...




The thumping sound deafens one's ears, blinds one's eyes, and confuses one's mind.  It was the thumping sound of Noviera own's heartbeat after the force of the dropping missile knocked her back, she rolled a few distance from where she was at.

Her whole muscle ached, her head bruised, her ankle got twisted, both her arms got cut by the surrounding rocks and the scrapping of the hard ground, blood trickled from the right side of her forehead, where she fell face first to the ground. But it doesn't matter, all the pain doesn't matter, that pain cannot be compared to her complicated feelings right now, her emotions rush together, mix and combine into something she can't just describe in simple sentences.

Noviera, a delicate girl with a skin color of tremolite jade is now bruised and tainted from the knockback she just had, her smooth and soft wavy brownish hair is now a mess, entangled by the dirt and the polluted air. Her eyes, which shine so bright as she wholeheartedly intakes all the knowledge she peacefully read from the stolen book before are now flooding with tears, that can't seem to find their way out of those glittering orbs, those tears remain by the rims of her eyes, refuse to break their boundaries, refuse to be overflow. 

Despite her broken heart, her physical pain, and her wounds, she courageously got up from where she fell, using her wounded hand to push herself up, allowing herself to continue her journey back from where she came from, to continue her journey back home...




[An Hour Ago]


SOUTHERN EMOSA COAST [Territory of the South]

"Hey! Captain", a young-looking guy in blond furiously bellowed, "Give them an order to take off, this is delaying, they try to delay us!!"

In the uniform of blue and gold lining, marking this person as a highborn with acknowledgment upon acknowledgment of honor in whatever job he had given. A foxy-like pair of beautiful ocean blue eyes glance dagger upward like expecting something bad is about to happen, a high nose and flawless pair of lips match perfectly to his composure and gesture, contemplating with a slender pairs of brows and his slim figure, making everyone's eyes curious and mesmerized by his unearthly handsomeness.

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