Chapter Eight

Começar do início

"Rise, Dark Knight," ordered Hippolyta. Bruce took her in Hippolyta's appearance as he stood. She was extremely beautiful, much like the rest of the women who dwelt on Themyscira. Diana looked almost exactly like her mother, although Hippolyta had blonde hair and her body was slightly more slender. She wore a simple toga, although the crown she wore was anything but.

"It has been some time since your last visit. What is it I can do for you, Mister Wayne?" asked Hippolyta.

"You can tell me where my child is," answered Bruce firmly. Hippolyta looked taken aback, but then sighed.

"I feared this day would come," Hippolyta murmured. She stood up, then called for a guard. A short, yet muscular woman clad in greek armor rushed into the room. She bowed.

"Yes, my Queen?"

"Bring Aella to me at once, tell her she has a visitor," Hippolyta answered.

"At once," the guard bowed before sneaking a curious glance in Bruce's direction. Bruce took note of the expression with interest. Looking back at the Queen, Bruce's hard expression softened.

"Aella?" he asked.

"The name of an Amazon warrior murdered by Heracles," answered Hippolyta.

"It means whirlwind," Bruce stated. "Why give her that name?"

"You will have to wait and find out, Wayne."

The guard returned with Artemis behind her. Bruce could see some small feet closely behind Artemis, obviously hiding from the attention.

"Leave us," Hippolyta ordered. The guard left quickly.

"It's okay, your father is here," whispered Artemis to the small person behind her. Hippolyta walked towards Artemis, beckoning the child to stand between the two women. Bruce eyed them suspiciously, almost regretting having come to Themyscira in the first place.

"Bruce, meet your daughter, Aella," Artemis announced. Bruce detected a mixture of excitement and worry in her voice, causing him to grow nervous. Hippolyta pushed the child forward gently, and Bruce gasped when she came into his view.

She was almost a carbon copy of Diana, albeit a smaller version. Her long raven locks cascaded down to her waist, almost shining in the light from the room. Her fair skin was exactly like Diana's, as was her nose and overall frame. Bruce took a step forward and noticed some of his own features. Her eyes were the same cold blue as his. She had a stronger jawline than Diana's as well, though her cheeks still had a little baby fat on them. Bruce's heart leapt at the sight of his and Diana's daughter, and he instantly fell in love with her.

Aella walked forward shyly though determined. Bruce took note of the keen intellect that shone in her eyes, much like her father.

"Hello Aella," Bruce said in a monotone voice, despite feeling joy at meeting his child.

"Hello Father," Aella replied. "Where is Mother? I have not seen her in a while."

"She's..." Bruce hesitated then looked up at Hippolyta angrily. "You didn't tell her?" he demanded.

Hippolyta shook her head. "We felt that Aella did not need to know about her mother's situation until she was old enough," she answered.

Bruce eyed the Queen furiously. "You mean you were waiting for Diana to come home so you wouldn't have to tell her the truth?"

"No, Bruce. We felt that she didn't need-"

"Need what? The distraction? You would rather have lied to your granddaughter to keep the truth hidden from her like you kept the truth of Diana's father hidden?" growled Bruce.

An Injust Sentence Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora