Chapter 1 Excitement

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Dadu- Grandfather (Paternal)
Dadi- Grandmother (Paternal)
Di/didi- Elder sister
Bhai/ bhaiya - Elder brother

Date    15 October 2024              Tuesday

Third person's POV

"Don't worry, Dadu. We will come a week before Diwali and see all the preparations ourselves," said Isvari to her grandfather over the phone.

"I want you both here as soon as possible this time. I want to arrange a big function for Diwali. And tell this to Avi too!"

"As you wish, my lord," Isvari spoke dramatically. "Okay, bye Dadu. I need to cook; otherwise, you know how angry Avi gets."

"Okay, bye. But don't forget!"

"Yes, I won't." With this, Isvari ended the call with her grandfather.

Isvari's POV

I was tending to my chores when I received a call from Grandpa. He seemed extremely excited about the Diwali celebration.

Now, I should turn my attention to cooking. It's already 5 PM. Di will be home soon.

Let's prepare Rajma Chawal (rice with kidney beans) before she returns from work.

Third Person's POV

Isvari began preparing dinner for herself and her sister. Soon, she heard the front door open.

"I'm home!" Aadhavi announced. She took off her boots, ran towards her younger sister for a hug, then darted towards the small drawing room and plopped down on the couch.

"Can I get some water, please?" Aadhavi asked wearily.

"Sure, Madam," Isvari replied in a playful tone. She brought water and sat beside her worn-out sister, placing the water on the table.

Aadhavi gulped down the water in one go. "Did Grandpa call? He didn't pick up my call this morning," she inquired.

"Yes, he called me just an hour ago. Both Dadu and Dadi are doing well and are busy with their work. And Dadu wants us to be there a week before Diwali," Isvari replied.

Aadhavi nodded, then added, "I've requested a two-week leave. Only if it’s approved can I join you."

"I, too, must finish this book; the deadline is approaching," Isvari sighed. "Anyway, I'm making rajma chawal for dinner. So quickly change your clothes and freshen up."

"Hmmm," Aadhavi nodded and then retreated to her room.

Time skip after dinner

From a third-person perspective

The sisters were comfortably seated on the sofa in the drawing room. Isvari was jotting down some ideas in her notepad, while Aadhavi browsed through information sent by her client for the wedding.

Then, a notification popped up on Aadhavi’s phone.

"Your leave has been approved for the period 21 October 2024 to 2 November 2024."

"Great!" exclaimed Aadhavi, her voice tinged with satisfaction.

"What happened?" Isvari inquired, her focus still partly on her notepad.

"My leave's been approved," Aadhavi replied, a smile lighting up her face.

Isvari offered a gentle smile, her eyes lighting up as she said, "It's been ages since we've had a proper chat, hasn't it? How about we catch up now, if you're free?"

Aadhavi raised an eyebrow, 'I'm free, but the real question is, are you?'

'Definitely, for you, always,' Isvari responded with sincerity, calmly setting aside her work to adopt a more relaxed posture.

'So, what's on your mind?' Aadhavi encouraged, leaning in with interest.

Isvari's face brightened with enthusiasm. 'Dadu and Dadi are all abuzz with Diwali preparations. Brother even sent me a whole list of sweets they're planning to make. He mentioned Dadi has enlisted the help of the workers to prepare ladi (strings of flowers) and handcrafted diyas and such.'

'They seem to be up to something big, eh? Did Brother hint at anything else?' Aadhavi inquired, curiosity piqued.

'He seemed as in the dark as anyone, caught up in his usual bustle of leading the preparations,' Isvari remarked with a chuckle, 'But I can already feel the excitement building up! Oh, and Mum and Dad made sure to remind me that Dadu and Dadi want us there without fail this year.'

After a thoughtful pause, Aadhavi asked, 'And the sweets? What varieties are they looking at?'

'They've requested Soan Papdi from Haldiram, Laddu, an assortment of dry fruits, Mathri, among many other things...' Isvari listed off.

'I'll place the order first thing tomorrow then,' Aadhavi decided, nodding in affirmation.

Their conversation meandered through various topics seamlessly after that, a testament to the strength and comfort in their bond.

As the night drew deeper, Aadhavi stood up, stretching lightly, 'I think it's bedtime for me. Good night!'

'Yeah, good night!' replied Isvari with a warm smile, turning her attention back to her work."


In the village, Ramshankar eagerly shared with his wife, Rajshree, "I just got off the phone with Isvari. She confirmed they're both coming."

Rajshree, bubbling with excitement, replied, "That's wonderful! I also reached out to Devendra, and they'll be joining us three days before Diwali. Let's hope everything runs smoothly."

With a nod and a warm smile, Ramshankar and Rajshree made their way to the dining room, where their family awaited their arrival.

Gathered around a small table on the floor, everyone found their place on comfortable mats.

The table was neatly set with plates brimming with homemade delicacies: chapatis, masoor dal (red lentils), and spicy potatoes.

Before diving into their meal, a moment was taken to offer prayers of gratitude.

The room was filled with a respectful silence as the family savored their food.

Following the meal, everyone pitched in to wash their plates. With the chore completed, they made their way to the veranda, settling in comfortable chairs for an evening of relaxed conversation under the starry sky.

Amidst the quiet night, Angad and Khushi decided to take a leisurely stroll in the cool evening breeze.

Khushi, feeling the anticipation of motherhood growing within her, reveled in the peacefulness of the moment, finding solace in the thought of the new chapter unfolding in her life. As they walked hand in hand, the happiness radiating from their faces was palpable.

Married for two years, the news of Khushi's pregnancy brought immense joy to the entire family. The prospect of a new addition to their close-knit group filled them with excitement and anticipation for the future.

Ramshankar, in particular, was bursting with pride at the thought of becoming a grandfather and eagerly awaited the moment to share the news with Aadhavi and Isvari.

Ramshankar planned to share the wonderful news with them upon their arrival in the village.

As the night progressed, the air filled with stories and laughter, blending into a harmonious symphony of shared memories and affection.

Each family member immersed themselves in the warmth of the company, cherishing these moments of connection and unity.

And as the night grew deeper, a sense of contentment settled over them, signaling the time for rest.

With hearts full of gratitude and love, they bid each other goodnight, dispersing to their respective rooms for a peaceful slumber.

The day had been filled with laughter, love, and anticipation, setting the stage for the arrival of new beginnings and cherished moments in the days to come.

Hope you guys like it and I will try to post another chapter in time.

Till then bye....

"A Spark of Love during the Night of Lights~" Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя