Opening just one eye, all she can see is the back of an iPad facing her. She looks up and sees that Michelle was lying beside her, sleeping peacefully. She sighs happily, wanting to shake her head. Michelle must have moved their daughter to the side. She frowned a little though, because Dani could've fallen down on the bed.

Ann poked her daughter's protruding tummy, causing the child to drop her tablet on the bed, almost hitting her mama's face.

"Why are you awake-" her mummy whispered, checking the time on Michelle's phone by the nightstand, "it's only four, baby." Michelle stirred again, burrowing her face deeper into Ann's neck. Warm breath tickling her skin.

Eyes still drooping, already falling back to sleep, Anntonia felt Dani touching her eyelid, forcing it to open. "Dani, go back to sleep please, sweetheart." Her mummy ordered, knowing that she's gonna be fussy during the day if she didn't go back to sleep.

They're going to Disneyland later that day so she wanted her to be fully rested or she wouldn't be able to enjoy her Disney Paris experience, most importantly, it's her actual birthday so her parents wanted it to be perfect for her.

"Put away your iPad, please, thank you."

Dani obliged at what her mummy had asked her. Going back down, putting the gadget where she took it from.

Ann kissed Michelle's nose, carefully untangling herself to her lover's hold and lay down beside their daughter while Michelle sighed and turned over, lying down on her stomach.

"Let's go back to sleep, Dani." Drawing her fingers up and down on Dani's back as she hummed softly.

Few minutes later, the child is fast asleep.

8:00 a.m.

Ann and Dani woke up. After feeding the little girl some breakfast that she called in for room service, they were in the washroom, giving Dani a bath.

"I love bubbles."

Ann was watching her in the tub, playing. Just observing her daughter, noticing that she's really growing up. As a mother, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional about it. Couldn't believe that she and Michelle have created this wonderful human being and are now five years old.

She remembered the time when she first found out that she was pregnant. Michelle and her just had their first year anniversary as a married couple and it was the best anniversary gift she has given her wife.

At first, she felt scared because she didn't know how to be a mother. She's worried if she can take care of this growing human inside her womb. Ann didn't worry about her career though, she can put that aside and focus on their family. She and her wife had planned to have a baby sooner through IVF, but even though it scared her whole being, Ann was grateful for the wonderful gift that was given to them.

Making sure that she's really pregnant, she called her OB-GYN for a check-up before she told her wife the news. She wanted to be certain that she's really pregnant with their first child. It was a struggle not to tell her right away, but she has this feeling that she and Michelle really are going to be parents soon if it isn't what the pregnancy test results were telling her so.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the doctor confirmed what she already knew. She's expecting and tears flood on her face, feeling the happiness that this is it, it's the start of a new chapter of their life. They've created something so special and she couldn't wait to tell her.

Michelle just came home from work one early evening and she found her unknowingly pregnant wife in the bath. Ann didn't want to plan anything about telling her wife because she didn't want to wait anymore.

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