Chapter 2

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Ever since I moved from Leavenworth, Washington, I have felt empty inside

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Ever since I moved from Leavenworth, Washington, I have felt empty inside. I have tried drowning myself in football and schoolwork, but it won't work. We stayed in contact for the first year; we talked every night, but it was torturing me. So I told her we could not be friends anymore and not to speak to me ever again. I thought that would help me forget about her, but I am miserable. I think about her every day. My best friend Tyler tries to hook me up with girls, but I always turn them down. If I have a first date, I make it as awkward as possible, so they want to leave. The girls understood that I would not date anyone, but they did not know why I was so in love with Olivia that I could not imagine being with anyone but her.

Speaking of drowning myself in school, I am sitting at my desk finishing the last of my summer school homework with the community college in town when I get a call. I don't look at who it is; I answer. Usually, Ty calls me at random times to tell me about his day.

I wait a minute and am about to hang up when I hear someone breathing heavily and crying on the other line. It worries me a little, so I freeze and look at the Caller ID. Why is Liv calling me? We last talked a few years ago.

"H-Hadley, I need your help. Can you please come and take me to the Hospital?" I begged. I could barely breathe. "Hadley, please, my dad will not help me."

I instantly am snapped out of my trance with those words. She is breathing even heavier; it sounds like she is having a panic attack. He has them when Ty gets worked up, so I know what they are. Why is she crying? Why does she have to go to the Hospital? Why is Adam not going to help her?

All these questions swarmed my head when I finally said, "Liv."

Her breathing slowed, and she said, "Hayden, I'm sorry I shouldn't have called. Bye!"

I started to panic. I didn't want her to hang up the phone when I had no idea what was wrong. "Liv, no, tell me what's wrong. Please let me help you," I begged.

"No, you don't get to call me that anymore, Hayden. Goodbye," she says.

Before I can say anything else, she hangs up the phone. I am freaking out. I tried calling again, but it went straight to voicemail. Shit! I call five more times, and it goes to voicemail every time.

"Shit!" I yelled.

I grab my truck keys and run out of my bedroom. My parents are still in the living room, but I don't care. I run to the closet where I keep my jacket and my shoes; I throw them on as fast as I can, and right before I can get out the door, I see my parents standing in front of me.

"Move! I have to go now!" I never yell at my parents, so they instantly know something is wrong.

"Hayden? What's wrong?" my mom asked.

"Liv, I have to go now. I will talk to you later," I said.

Before they could say anything else, I jumped into my truck and drove off. I put the maps on for Leavenworth, Washington, and it said 41 hours. That is too damn long, but I will just have to speed the entire way.

I didn't send her messages or call her several more times for the next few hours, but she didn't answer. Then my phone dings, and I immediately open it.

Liv 1:45 a.m.

I am fine, Hayden. I was just sick. Now, please stop contacting me.

Oh, thank God! She answered me, but her words hurt more than I thought they would. I am three hours away from home but can't return right now. I found a park, and I parked my truck, and I sat and just cried. I cried for the life I should have had, the one that was taken away from me. I cried for my younger self, who was still so happy and wouldn't let anything break his happiness. I cry for who I am now, the broken boy who hides his pain in his studies and football. I cut myself to feel better, but it is never enough. I tried drinking my problems away, but it made it so much worse. I must accept that my life will never be the same again.

Once I make it home, I see my parents in the living room still up. Once they hear me come through the door, They immediately get up.

"Honey, what happened?" my mom asked.

"Liv had accidentally called me. She meant to call her friend, but she was crying badly. She had said she needed to go to the Hospital, but she hung up once she figured out it was me. I tried to call and text her, but she didn't answer for three hours. I'm sorry I left without telling you, but when she didn't answer me after I called five times after she hung up, I completely lost it and had to do something. She texted me back and said she was sick and not to contact her again, but I don't believe she was just sick. It is something else, and I am really worried." I explained to them.

"I see. I'll go get some sleep, and we can talk more when you get up," my dad said.

"Love you guys," I replied.

"Love you," they said back.

Words: 953 (Sorry for such a short chapter)

(A/N) Well that was Hayden's POV on the phone call and what he thought afterwards.


Let me know your guys thoughts!

REMEMBER: I am always here if anyone needs to talk about anything, my messages are open for everyone!

As always have a good day/night! Love you guys!

Thank you,


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