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Ava beamed at the compliment, watching him enjoy the treats. "I'm glad you like them. I started baking at five this morning to make sure everything was fresh."

"You know," Fred said between bites, "you could totally open your own patisserie. I bet it would be a hit. Everyone would come from all over just to taste these."

"Maybe," Ava said with a hint of a dream in her voice. "But until then, I'll settle for being the unofficial team baker."

"Whatever you say, but just know I'd be your first customer. And hey," Fred added with a spark of excitement in his eyes, "when you do decide to open one, I'll design it for you. It'll be the coolest patisserie in town, with the best cream puffs on this side of New York."

"That'd be something," Ava said, imagining a quaint little shop designed by her best friend. "But you'll be too busy creating architectural marvels to bother with my little bakery."

"Nah," Fred waved her off playfully. "I'd make time. Especially if it's for you."

The conversation flowed effortlessly as they chatted about their future plans. Fred was set to start his Bachelor of Science in Architecture at New York Pinnacle University come fall—a testament to his creative mind and keen eye for design. Ava would be joining him at the university to study for her Bachelor of Science in Biology.

Ava's choice to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Biology at New York Pinnacle University was more than just a personal preference; it was a nod to her family's storied legacy in the medical field. The Greenwoods were a lineage of esteemed surgeons who had not only mastered their craft but also established the renowned Greenwood Medical Center, a name synonymous with medical excellence.

While her family had made it clear that her future was hers to decide, Ava knew that continuing in the realm of medicine would bring them joy. Her decision to study biology was her way of honoring the family tradition, intending to lay a strong foundation for a future in medicine, possibly even surgery. Yet, in the depths of her heart, she held onto a flicker of curiosity for the world beyond the operating rooms—a world filled with the delicate art of pastry and the sweet scent of baking that was uniquely hers.

In the serene quiet of the rink, Ava watched Fred as he delighted in the pastries she had made with care. The comfortable silence between them was gently interrupted by her curiosity. "Fred, I heard about you and Hallie..." she ventured softly, careful to keep her tone casual and not intrusive. "I was under the impression things were pretty serious between you two."

Fred chuckled lightly, the sound echoing slightly in the quiet rink. "Yeah, Hallie and I are done," he confirmed, not seeming too perturbed by the fact. "She was a bit too much for me—always needed to be the center of attention, you know?" He shrugged nonchalantly, as if the breakup was just a minor bump in his day.

Ava watched him, noting the ease with which he spoke about the end of his relationship. "It all started as a dare from Eric and Troy," Fred admitted with a sheepish grin. "They knew Hallie had a thing for older college guys, and well, they thought it would be funny to see if I could catch her eye. And you know, I'm always up for a challenge," he said, his grin widening at the memory.

"I liked her, sure, but things got intense pretty quickly," Fred continued, his smile fading a bit. "I realized we were looking for different things. Tried to end it after a week, but Hallie wasn't having it. She came up with this story about a guy who was supposedly after her, saying she felt safer with me around."

Ava's expression softened in understanding, seeing the discomfort flicker across Fred's face.

"It took me a while, but I figured out there was no guy. Hallie just liked the drama, the status of dating someone from the hockey team," he concluded, a hint of irritation in his tone for the first time.

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