part 1

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Y/N pov:

I'm laying in bed, writing up emails on my laptop when it begins glitching.

"No- no no" I say shaking my laptop. I was pressing the mouse when the screen goes black and won't turn back on.

"GOD! I hate this stupid thing!" I say getting frustrated and shutting it sighing. I hear my door open and look up to see Kat standing in the doorway.

"Did it shut off again?" Kat says crossing her arms at me. "Y/N, I said I will buy you a new o-"

"No. No way. I am saving up to buy one Kat, don't stress. Plus I can't let you buy me one- I'll feel so bad" I say looking at her.

"Okay, okay butttt, I have some newss" She says with that excited expression on her face.

"What is ittt?" I say tilting my head at her.

"Sam invited us to a party at his place tonight, so you can't say no" She says smirking at me.

"Ughh nooo" I say and crawl down under the blankets groaning.

"No no no. We are going" She says as she walks over to me and sits on the side of the bed. "Plus I need to go shopping to find an outfit".

I don't go out as much as Kat but I probably need to start. "Fine. I'll go, give me 10 minutes to get dressed and stuff" I say pulling the blankets off me.

"YAY! Thank youuu" Kat says as she stands up and walks out of my room closing the door behind her.

I look at my laptop and groan. I get out of bed and walk to my closet putting on some sweats and a tight black long sleeve top. I shove on my Ugg's and put my hair up then grab my phone and wallet and walk out my room.

"Well don't you look sexy" Kat says walking to the door with me.

"I know, my best outfit yet, huh" I say chuckling as we get out the door and walk to the elevator, pressing the button.

"Soo, Sam says this is going to be kind of a big party, maybe you could finally meet someone?" She says looking at me.

"Well maybe, before we talk about 'that' I need coffee" I say rubbing my eyes.

She giggles and steps out the doors with me and says "Okay deal".

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