to you one world later

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in the sky's above Japan a plane flies through the clouds with an important passenger, the young Funny Stewart Valentine. reading a book on recent hero debuts, I wonder if UA is all it is cracked up to be. he wonders. 

as the plane lands at the Duwang airport, grabbing his luggage he walks off the plane and to the luggage conveyer, summoning his stand to pick up one of the two luggage cases as Funny picks up the other. having finally exited the air port and heading to the rail station, entering the train and sitting down with his stand floating above him holding the luggage bag to it's chest.

"so who's your friend?" 

looking beside himself Valentine sees a little boy and his mother looking at his stand. the boy reaches up to try and touch the stand but its far out of his reach.

Funny: "his name is Dirt Deeds Done Dirty Cheep, or D4C for short." the train continues on the rail, Dirt Deeds Done Dirt Cheep gives a thumbs up in response.

the mother: "what kind of quirk is he?"

Funny: "he is actually not a quirk, he is a stand."

the mother: "what's stand?"

Funny: "quirks are genetic and can be discovered through medical tests, but stands are a projection of a persons strong spirit and are not genetic, and technically there are no regulations on the use of stands due to how rare they are, unlike quirks."

boy: "how can I get a magic friend?"

Funny: "just like quirks you need to be born with an aptitude for it, though they can develop mush later in life so who knows you may have one but is just needs to grow some more before it wakes up." 

the train comes to a halt and a ding is sung letting the passengers know the stop has been reached.

Funny: "you both have a wonderous day!"

exiting the train with D4C in tow, Valentine walks for a few minuets walking right past an angry spikey haired boy who was walking quite strangely. the boy looked like he has a squirrel in his pants.

walking further down the street he reaches an apartment complex and finds apartment 14 he uses his key to unlock the door and turns in for the night.

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