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Over the following weeks, Maddie and Kai's friendship blossomed as they spent more time together. Kai began to open up more, his real personality shining through as Maddie got to know him better. She discovered that behind his tough, shy exterior, he had a sharp wit and a wicked sense of humor, often cracking jokes and dirty innuendos.

They saw each other almost every day, Kai would walk up to the edge of the woods, carefully to not meet his sister walking back from school as he waited for Madelene.

Sometimes he would pick her up in his red beat-up truck and the would go on adventures to nearby towns. It was a rare occurrence since it was pretty easy to recognize what car she was getting into, and their town was small, everyone would know in an instant that they're hanging out together. 

Which, to a normal person would not say much, Kai was kind of like a ghost, no one knew him, he didn't go to school, he didn't work anywhere, and he rarely spent time out of the grounds inhabited by fellow gemini witches during daytime.  

They would walk through the woods for hours on end, talking complete nonsense, how Kai loves to watch Baywatch for some reason, and how Madelene's guilty pleasure is watching reruns of DuckTales.

Whenever the weather was good they had small picnics, ate crazy amounts of sugar and chips before laying on the grass and complaining about stomach aches.

They exchanged cassettes for their walkmans and Maddie would even check some out from the school library for him.

Turns out they had almost identical taste in music. Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode, and Alice in Chains were only a few whom they shared admiration for.

Their late-night ice cream runs became a regular occurrence, providing them with a much-needed escape from their respective troubles. They would wander through the streets of their town, talking and laughing as they indulged in their sugary treats.

As Maddie and Kai walked through the woods, the sunlight filtering through the trees, Kai couldn't help but comment on their surroundings. "You know, Maddie," he said with a grin, "I never thought I'd enjoy nature walks so much. But with you, it's actually pretty fun."

Maddie laughed, brushing a stray hair out of her face. "Well, I'm glad I could introduce you to the wonders of the great outdoors. Who knew you were such a nature enthusiast?"

He nudged her playfully with his elbow. "Hey, I'll have you know I'm a man of many talents. Appreciating nature is just one of them."

They walked for a while before Kai spoke up again, his tone more serious this time. "You know, Maddie, I've never really had a friend like you before. Someone I can be myself around."

"Ew why so sappy, Parker" She made a funny face disgust

"Fuck you Mads" He responded dramatically, playfully pushing her away

"Wooow, I'm banning your magic flow, you ungrateful little shit" she growled

"Nooo, You won't do thattt" he purposely dragged out a few syllables before grabbing onto her hand and absorbing magic like it was nothing.

As they grew closer, Maddie found herself sharing more and more of her magic with Kai, allowing him to tap into her powers whenever he needed. At first, he was hesitant, unsure of how to handle the newfound ability. But with Maddie's guidance and encouragement, he began to embrace his magical side, practicing spells and grabbing onto the source whenever he wanted, Madelene didn't really care, she almost never used her magic anyway.

Kai's confidence grew with each passing day, his magical abilities improving by leaps and bounds. Maddie watched with pride as he discovered the extent of his powers, amazed by his natural talent for it.

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