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Benjamin Martin: Strict father, has 7 kids, single father, soldier

Gabriel Martin: 18, strict with his brothers, oldest, soldier, closest with Nathan and Susan

Thomas Martin: 15, mischievous, student, closest with Gabriel

Margaret Martin: 14, quiet, takes care of the young kids (not a main)

Nathan Martin: 13, sarcastic, student, closest with Samuel

Samuel Martin: 12, quiet, student, closest with Nathan

William Martin: 6, smart, reserved, closest to Margaret (not a main)

Susan Martin: 4, doesn't speak almost at all, closest with Abigail and Gabriel

Abigail: 48, servant to the Martin family, teaches Margaret how to be a lady and take care of the littles

Set during the Revolution, based on the movie "The Patriot". Ages are different than in the real film but close enough. Includes physical discipline, don't like, don't read. If you want pictures of the "cast" then look it up I can't figure out how to insert images😑

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