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RORY Pushed away the metal curtain, revealing the place Amy had stayed that whole time. But his attention was placed on one thing only. One of those robots stood, facing away. "Oh!" He yelped, backing up slightly. But as the robot turned around, there was a face drawn on it's head. A friendly face.

"Don't worry about him." Amy told the man. "Sit down, Rory."

Both Rory and the Robot sat down at the same time, sharing a glance. The man then turned to Amy once more. "You named him after me?" He questioned.

"Needed a bit of company." The woman shrugged.

"So, he's like your—"

"Pet." She interrupted, not looking up from her hands. She leaned down slightly, picking up an old tube of red lipstick, twisting it open.

"Is it safe?" Rory asked, standing up and slowly walking toward it.

"Yep." She answered, staring at the tube of red lipstick. "I disarmed it."

"How?" He asked, looking at her as he stood directly in front of the robot called Rory. He looked down, noticing it's hands had been completely ripped off. "Oh, you... disarmed it." He lifted the arms of the robot slightly, pointing at it.

Amy shook her head as she went to put on the lipstick, instantly placing it down and turning around. "Oh, don't get sentimental, it's just a robot. You'd have done the same."

The Doctor watched from inside the Tardis, watching the screen without taking his eyes away. Eve glanced at him. "I don't know that I would've." The doctor spoke.

" and there he is — the voice of god." Amy spat, walking toward Rory. "Survive. Cause no-one's going to come for you. Number one lesson. You taught me that."

"Is that really all I taught you?" The Doctor asked.

"Don't you lecture me, blue-box man, flying through time and space on whimsy." Amy spat once more, staring at the camera stuck in Rory's glasses. The Doctor stared at the screen, Eve couldn't tell what emotion was on his face but she was worried herself. "All I've got — all I've had for 36 years — is cold, hard reality. So, no, I don't have a sonic screwdriver because I'm not off on a romp. I call it What it is — a Probe. And I call my life what it is... hell."

"Oh, Amy..." Eve sighed, turning back to the screen. There was a saddened look on her face, silently wishing she could do more than just sit inside the Tardis. Silently wishing she was there. Gently, she sat back down on the chair, crossing her arms on the railing and leaning her head against them.

"Amy Pond," The Doctor started. "I am going to put this right. You said you learned from an interface. Can I speak with it?"

"Doesn't work in here." Amy looked down at her watch. "2:23, the garden'll be clear now." She walked back up to Rory, looking away from his eyes. "Stay or go?"

"Sorry, me?" Rory asked. "No, I'm coming with you!"

"Then try not to get killed. Or do. Whatever." She muttered, walking past him. Rory followed. They walked until they reached a large garden with famous statues and large hedges. "When I first came here, I had to trick the interface into giving me information, but I've reprogrammed it now. It'll tell me anything except hoe to escape."

Rory walked up to her, amazed by her story. "You hacked it? That's genius!"

"Sorry to interrupt that beautiful moment," The doctor called, Amy turning her head to look at the glasses. "but temporal engines have a regulator valve, which has to be kept from the main reactor or there's feedback. Interface, where's the regulator?"

"The regulator is held within." The interface spoke, showing a hologram of where the regulator would be.

"Ah!" The Doctor muttered.

"Ah?" Eve repeated, looking at him.

"Yes. Oh, very, very 'Ah!'." The Doctor rushed up to the console, Eve spinning around to watch him as he did do. "Interface, I need to run through some technical specifications. "Rory, give me to Amy a minute."

Rory removed the glasses, opening them and giving them to Amy. She took them with confusion, placing them over her eyes. There was a small silence. "They look ridiculous." She muttered, noticing the look Rory gave her.

"That's what I told him." Rory told her. "Still, anything beats a fez, eh?" The two laughed together for the first time in a while, or a while for Amy, anyway. She stopped, looking at him for a moment. "What is it?"

"I think that's the first time I've laughed in 36 years."

Eve let out a silent 'awh' as she looked at the large screen. She then turned back, looking at the Doctor who was staring at the small screen in front of him. He was silent. Yet still she couldn't read the emotion on his face. Eve slowly stood up once more, walking over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked at her, placing his hand on her's with a reassuring smile.

"I'll just, um, leave you three geniuses alone." Rory muttered, breaking the silence. "I'll be back in a minute." He walked off around the corner, leaving the three alone.

"There's till time, Amy." The Doctor told her. "There's still time to fix everything." The two talked for a minute while Eve walked to the steps, sitting down on them. She got a sudden feeling. The usual feeling she got when something bad was about to happen — doesn't matter if it was an alien attack or her toast about to get burnt, she always got the feeling. Something bad was going to happen.

"Uh, Amy?" Eve shot up, looking at the Doctor. He turned to her instantly, confused. "i think it's time to get Rory and get out. Now."



Uh, hello. It's been a while, I suppose !
How've you been?
If you didn't notice, I've went back on a few chapters,
Updating them, changing a few things. If you want,
You can go back and read them or continue on !! I
don't mind , it was only a few little changes ! :)

Anyway, I'm back but idk for how long ! :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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