A Panicking Conrad

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Author's note: Any speech or talking "" in bold means it's spoken in Italian. I do not want to butcher the language and google translate is not always accurate.

After catching up with Steven and Taylor, the gang hung around the house before deciding to watch a movie

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After catching up with Steven and Taylor, the gang hung around the house before deciding to watch a movie. I was on the beach where I took a phone call from my parents who were in England. They called Pappy and Nonna, but I wasn't there, so they called my mobile straight after.

I was so happy to hear their voices. Mom told me how great it was to see her parents and siblings, Dad said it was a treat seeing his wife so happy after the tragic lost of Aunt Susie. 

I updated them on what was happening here. Mom was not happy, she threatened to jump on the next flight home give Julia and John a beating, but Dad talked her out of it. I reassured her that the boys were fine, kind of.

As I hung up rapid footsteps across the sand caught my attention. 

Conrad was breathing heavily, he was holding his chest like it hurt. He was having trouble breathing.

I rushed over to him and heard his heavy breathing. 

"Connie, Conrad what's wrong? What's happening?"

He didn't respond to me, just kept trying to breathe. Then a scene from Teen Wolf came to mine when Stiles was having a panic attack, looked kind of like this. In the show, Lydia kissed him, but since I'm not doing that, I thought back to what I read about panic/anxiety attacks in class. 

I stepped in front of Conrad and grabbed his face with my left hand then placed his left hand on the left side of my chest, to let him feel my steady heartbeat.

"Hey, Hey, look at me," I said directing his head to face mine, "focus on me, okay, feel my heartbeat. See how steady it is?" He nodded, "You need to match that for me, okay?" He nodded again. "Speak to me, tell me something you can see."

His eyes wandered, "the sea."

"Good," I nodded, "Tell me another."

"The sand," he spoke breathlessly.

"Tell me something you can smell."

He looked back at me, "the grass."

"Good, good. Something else," his breathing was becoming less erratic.

"Uh, your perfume," he answered.

"What does my perfume smell like?" 

"V-vanilla and sweets."

I nodded, "Close enough."

He was breathing normally now, controlling his breathing he sat down on the sand. I followed after him. "You have these a lot?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah... more since my mom died."

"Why am I just learning about this now? And if you say because you didn't want to seem like a burden, I will hit you." He stayed silent avoiding my eyes. I hit his arm making him wince, "need I remind you that almost a year ago, we were sat on this very beach talking about how you're not a burden to me. Have you forgotten?" He didn't speak. "What triggers it?"

Opened Eyes ⇻ The Summer I Turned Pretty (Sequel) Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now