• Steven, The Graduate •

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We're late," Mum hissed to Dad as we entered the sports hall that was being used for the graduation ceremony.

"We're fine," Dad waved off, "look, let's sit here."

"No," Mum said, "Laurel already saved us seats."

"We're too far, these are close, come on," Dad said grabbing Mum's hand as she sighed. Kai, Josie and I followed after and sat in the spare seats. 

We drove from Boston to Philadelphia because today, Steven Conklin is graduating high school. Not only did he survive, he thrived, he is his class's valedictorian. My parents were so proud of him just for graduating. Wanting to show our support, we woke up early, got dressed, and had breakfast in the car as we drove a little over five hours to congratulate him.

It's all worth it to see Steven graduate. 

"They say that everything happens for a reason," Steven spoke as he started his speech, "Now, who they are, exactly, is unclear. Maybe a theologian coined it," he said earning some laughs, "Or, I don't know, whoever configured the simulation we're clearly living in. Maybe it was Rihanna." Mom and Dad chuckled, "No, no, Rihanna can do no wrong. It was definitely not her. But we've heard it time and time again. It's supposed to convince us, you know, that everything had to happen exactly so, in order to teach us something about ourselves, in order for us to grow and meet our destiny."

Steven chuckles softly as he continues, my eyes fixed on his presence and my ears eager to receive, "I think that's BS- I'm sorry Mom, sorry. You know, breakups don't always lead to breakthroughs. Sometimes a girl dumps you after an awesome summer, and it sucks." He was alluding to him and Shayla. "And you learn nothing from it, but you eventually force yourself to move on anyways. But then the unthinkable happens, and you realise it's pointless to think of life that way. Because everything just happens, you know, good things, bad things, all in ways that you'd never expect."

He started to speak with more passion, "all in ways that are so completely out of your control that they could just drive you insane. There are times where it feels like the world is happening to you, but remember that you are also happening to the world. So don't wait. Make what you want happen because tomorrow isn't promised, so you better make fucking sure that you are living today."

Opened Eyes ⇻ The Summer I Turned Pretty (Sequel) Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now