Crazy For You - Damian Priest

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Walking into the club the atmosphere was electric, the music was pumping and everyone was having a good time and I was here to enjoy with my favourite person in the whole world.

Immediately Damian pulls me over to the bar and wraps a protective arm around me as he gets us both a drink to start our night out. I lived for our nights out, they were the highlight of my week and I always wished they would never end.

"Ready to dance mi rosa" he smiles as we finish our drinks

"Lead the way mi caballero" I smile as he takes my hand and leads me through the crowd.

Pretty soon we are moving to the beat of each song, laughing and having the best time but I couldn't ignore how my heart skipped a beat each time he smiles at me. I was crazy about this man and it was killing me.

Suddenly a slower more sensual song starts and he pulls me close to him. He slowly sways us to the music resting his forehead against mine. He gives me a cheeky smirk before turning me so my back is flush against him.

He continues to move us as his hands move over every curve of my body setting every nerve ending on fire. He nuzzles into my neck and his breath fans out across my skin.

Instinctively I raise my arm and place my hand on the back of his neck. I hear him hum softly against my ear and just for this moment I'm in my own personal heaven hell combo.

There was nothing I wouldn't let this man do of only he wanted to. As much as I loved our nights out I feared they would have to stop, I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.

As the song ends he leads me off the dance floor and buys us another drink. I gaze around at all the couples and my heart sinks a little. Why did I have to end up crazy about a man I can't have.

All too soon the night draws to a close and we find ourselves in the back of taxi heading towards my place.

He lives close by so he always walks me to my door and then makes the short walk to his place. I have never managed to pluck up the courage to ask him to stay.

"Thank you for an incredible night mi rosa" he says as we stop at my door "I can't wait for our next night out"

As he turns to walk away something comes over me and I find myself calling after him.

"I don't think there will be another one" I say shaking with nerves

"What do you mean?" He asks walking back to me a look of confusion on his face "we always have a good time don't we? Did I do or say something wrong?" He asks and I shake my head

"I'm sorry mi caballero but I can't do this anymore" I say as tears sting my eyes "I feel like I'm right where you want me, crazy for a man I can't have. You have no idea how much you touch and your closeness hurts. I love being around you but I have to protect my heart"

Without saying a word Damian walks the rest of the way towards me and guides me through my open door. He closes it around me leaving me confused.

"I want to show you something mi rosa" he says softly as he takes my hands and raises my arms pinning them above my head.

"Damian what........."

"I told you I want to show you something" he says before pressing his lips against mine, everything becomes a blur and I have no strength to push him away.......not that I want to.

"I want you y/ be mine I'm sorry if that wasn't clear" he says as his lips attack my neck "I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how, I thought my actions would speak for me I had no idea I was torturing you"

"Say it again" I breath as his fingers make light work of the buttons on my blouse.

"I want you............I want mine" he says as he kisses his way down to the valley of my breasts

"Yes.........yes I'm yours" I say trying to free my hands

Suddenly he stops and looks deep into my eyes as I gasp for breath. He strokes my cheek as he takes me in, he smiles before lifting me up and away from the door.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he carries me over to the couch. He lays me down gently and I relieve him of his shirt before running my finger tips down his body.

"Tell me you want me too" he says closing his eyes at my touch

"I can do better than that" I say biting my lip as I take his face in my hands "I don't just want you Damian.........I love you"

He crashes his lips back on to mine and before long we have shed the rest of our clothes. He enters me slowly and begins to gently thrust into me with delicate movements. His kisses change from passionate to soft and loving as we cling to each other.

As we both find our release he stills for a moment before settling next to me pulling me into his arms.
I pull a blanket over us and rest my head against him as our breathing settles.

"I love you mi rosa" he whispers "I always have. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner"

"I'm sorry too" I say "I guess neither of us knew how to tell the other how we felt"

"I know now and I will make sure to tell you everyday" he says kissing my temple "can I still take you out?" He asks and I chuckle

"Yes......yes you can" I smile "as long as the night ends like this"

"Always" he smiles before giving me a soft sweet kiss

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