Unforgettable - Roman Reigns

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As I walk through the town with my boyfriend I was beginning to wonder why I had bothered coming here. We were supposed to be sorting things out, working on us and making this work but all that seem to be happening was things getting worse.

I cared about Ryan a great deal but I had come to realise that the love I had felt for him had slowly started to dissappear, I wanted to give us a chance to see if we could get back what we once had but to do that he had to want that too and I wasn't so sure he did.

Whenever I tried to talk to him he seemed disinterested, he was glued to his phone and was acting like I wasn't right here beside him. I couldn't figure him out, he had wanted this, he had begged me to come to his home town and now that I was it was like we were two strangers walking along the street.

"Ryan I hate to interrupt whatever you are doing but at what point are we going to start working on us?" I ask and he turns to look at me with an annoyed expression on his face

"Baby you know I'm busy, I have alot of work to but I promise tomorrow you will have my full attention" he says turning back to his phone

"That's what you said yesterday" I sigh "I've been here for two days at your request and yet I feel like you don't want me here. Maybe I should have just stayed at home" I say an he immediately stops walking.

"I'm trying here y/n I really am but no matter what I do it's not good enough for you" he says to my utter disbelief "your right, this was a mistake you shouldn't have come here we should have just accepted it was over and moved on"

"Fine if that's how you feel Ryan" I say "I will pack up my stuff and leave first thing"

"I think you should find a hotel" he says "when you find somewhere give me a call and I will bring your stuff" before I have chance to speak he walks away leaving me in the middle of a town I don't know, alone, in the dark.

I had been walking around for sometime but every hotel I found was full, apparently something was going on around here. Eventually I give up and take a seat on a bench. Sighing I put my head in my hands and start to cry. What was I going to do, I had no where to go, no way of getting home and I was completely alone. What had I done to deserve this.

"Excuse me miss are you alright?" A deep voice asks but I don't look up

"Yeah I'm fine" I lie "I'll be fine"

"I know you don't expect me to believe those are happy tears" he says sitting beside me "you shouldn't be alone at this time of night"

"I'm just a stranger to you why do you care?" I ask finally looking up and almost forgetting to breath when I see the man beside me

"I maybe a stranger but I hate to see people cry, especially if that person is a beautiful woman" he smiles and I raise an eyebrow "I'm sorry that was inappropriate forgive me" he sighs "I'd like to help you if I can"

"Unless you know of a hotel with an available room I don't know if you can help me" I sigh "everywhere is full and I have no where to go and no way to get home"

"I'm afraid I don't, however I do have a hotel room with a spare bed if you want it!" He asks

"I don't know, I mean I don't know you and I have no reason to trust you" I say and he smiles softly

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Joe and I promise you I'm not a psycho" he says and I laugh "I would like it if you would take that spare bed, you don't want to be sleeping out here"

"I'm y/n" I smile "tell me Joe do you always offer your spare bed to women you don't know?"

"No this would be a first" he chuckles "but I can't let you sleep out here, it wouldn't be right and I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing you were out here alone"

"I appreciate the offer Joe but I'm not sure it's a good idea" I say and he nods

"How bout this? I'll bunk with my friend and you can have my room to yourself" he says "I refuse to leave you our here alone"

"You.....you'd really do that just to help me out?" I ask and he smiles

"Yes I would" he says "if it means you get a comfortable bed for the night instead of a bench"

In that moment something changes and I just get this feeling that I can trust this man, this complete stranger. Smiling I stand up and he watches me looking a little confused.

"Lead the way Joe" I say and he stands smiling before placing a hand gently on my lower back "as sweet as your offer was I'm not kicking you out of your room"

"Was that some kind of a test just then?" He chuckles

"Not really, I just suddenly got the feeling I could trust you, I don't know why?" I smile

As we walk through the town towards Joe's hotel something tells that even though it was just for tonight I was going to have a hard time forgetting this man.

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