Don't Let Them Win - Roman Reigns

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This one is dedicated to xMrsHardy and Joy_of_life88 hope you don't mind ladies, I was inspired and couldn't think of a better way to thank you both for being the best friends a girl could ask for ❤❤

One photo, one fucking photo that's all it took for me to become public enemy number one. I had been out for dinner with Roman we have only been dating around six months so we hadn't gone public.

However some one, a fan, saw us in the restaurant and took a photo without our knowledge, it didn't take long for it to spread round like wildfire and the hate that came with it was unimaginable and cruel.

"What is she doing with him?" "He is way out of her league" "what does he even see in her?" "She's not pretty enough for him" "he can do so much better"

When I wouldn't stop reading the comments and just kept upsetting myself Roman had taken my phone away, my two best friends Esmée and Joy had immediately come to my defence telling all the haters where to go but it did little to lift the funk I had gotten myself into.

"Hey how are you feeling today y/n?" Joy asks as her and Esmée walk into the lockeroom

"Ok I guess" I sigh "but thanks for yesterday girls"

"Anytime" Esmée smiles "nobody trolls my friends on my watch, and we always have your back"

"Absolutley one hundred percent" Joy smiles

"What if they are right though?" I ask "what if he looks at me one day and wonders what the hell he was thinking?"

"Breath girl" Esmée says placing her hands on my shoulder "Don't listen to the haters, they are just jealous that that god of man is with you and not them"

"She's right don't let them win" Joy says standing beside her "That man's ass is a piece of art, you are one lucky woman"

"I'm trying, I really am" I sigh "Roman took may phone, I haven't seen him all day, we haven't even spoken"

"Oh hell no" Esmée says standing up "he is not leaving you to deal with this alone, I'll get him to you even if I have to drag him here"

"I'll come with you" Joy says following her to the door

"Why?" Esmée asks looking confused

"To make sure you don't punch him" Joy says "that man's face is too perfect to be bruised"

Roman POV

I knew what happened last night had upset y/n a great deal and this morning she just didn't seem to want to talk so I thought it best to leave her alone at the hotel.

I had taken her phone with me to stop her looking at the comments and upsetting herself further. Truth was I didn't know what to say or do to make her feel better, none of that stuff they said was true but no matter how many times I had said that last night she just wouldn't believe me.

"Roman Reigns you better have a damn good reason for leaving her alone" a voice calls out and I turn to see Esmée and Joy walking towards me

"I thought that was the right thing to do, she didn't want to talk so I gave her space" I sigh knowing I am about to have my ass verbally kicked.

"No the right thing to do is be with her" Joy says "she needs you now more than ever, she actually thinks that you will change your mind about her"

"What? No I would never, I love her" I say hardly believing that she would think that

"Well then go tell her that" Esmée snaps "she needs to hear that"

"Where is she?" I ask "Is she still at the hotel?"

"No she's in the locker room" Joy says

"Oh she must have brought herself here" I say "alright I'll go see her, thanks ladies" I say giving each of them a hug

"No problem" Esmée smiles "now go"


When I hear the door open I look up expecting to see Esmée and Joy dragging Roman by the ankles but instead I just see Roman standing there taking me in.

He walks over to me and helps me stand before wrapping his strong arms around me.

"Babygirl I am so sorry" he says kissing the top of my head "I thought you wanted to be alone"

"It's alright, you're here now" I say snuggling into his chest

"I want you to listen to me" he says "I will never change my mind about you ever, you make me happier than I've been in along time and I am proud to call you my girl, you are beautiful, if anything you are out of my league and there is no way I can do better because I already have the best"

"But what if...... I begin looking up at Roman but him smiling cuts me off, he tucks my hair behind my ear and presses a soft kiss to my lips.

"But nothing babygirl" he smiles "you are stuck with me, becuase I love you"

"Well I can think of worse people to be stuck with" I smirk

"Oh is that so" he says tickling my sides slightly and making me laugh "There is that beautiful smile" he says stroking my cheek

"I love you too" I smile "you didn't give me chance to finish"

Roman smiles before leaning down and kissing me once again, I return the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close to me.

If I had learned anything from all of this it was that I was a fool for  ever doubting this man and like they always were my friends were right, I couldn't let those people win, I am happy, we are  happy and if they can't handle that, that's their problem not mine.

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