Distance Between Us - Damian Priest

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Wednesdays, my favourite time of the week. I get to go home and I get to spend time with Zara. We have been best friends since I moved into the neighbourhood years ago.
We met at a local bar, we clicked instantly, we just got each other and we have been inseparable ever since.

I had called her from the airport as always to let her know the details of my flight, while we were talking she said she needed to talk to me about something when she saw me and for some reason I got this sinking feeling in my heart.
She had ended the call the way she always does see you soon luce della mia vita. I had no idea what it meant but it always made me smile when I heard it, I also had my own nickname for her and just like her it was in my native language luz de mi vida.

I don't speak Italian and she doesn't speak Spanish so neither of us actually know what our nicknames are........maybe that's what this was about, maybe she was finally going to tell me.

When I pull up at the house Zara's car is already there, I park along side it and grab my stuff from the trunk. The second I open the door I'm hit with a familiar smell - fresh home made pizza - pizza and movies were our thing and she makes the best pizzas in the world, giving her a key was the best decision I ever made.

When I walk into the kitchen she smiles brightly at me as she walks over with her arms outstretched "luce della mia vida! How are you?" She says hugging me tightly

"I'm good luz de mi vida, how are you?" I ask

"I'm good, dinners ready I thought we could talk while we eat" she says nervously before moving away

"Is everything alright Z? Has something happened?" I ask taking a seat

"Kind of" she says placing the pizza in the centre of the table "you remember that interview I went for?" She asks

"Yeah sure, the promotion right?" I ask and she nods "no way! You got it?" I ask with a smile

"Yeah but I uh........I have to move" she says looking down "they need me at a different office, I've uh......I've accepted the offer?"

That sinking feeling returns and I feel my heart sink, home just wouldn't be the same without her here but I would never stop her from chasing her dreams, even if that meant I had to miss her.

"Where are you moving to?" I ask hoping it's somewhere close

"South Carolina" she sighs "it's not too far"

"Not too far? Z it's almost five hundred miles away" I say "forgive my selfishness but when will I see you?"

Smiling she places her hand on mine and gives it a gentle squeeze "whenever you're in town, I will always make time for you Luis. But I guess I should give you your key back"

"No no, you keep it" I say "if you come home to visit you can stay here, I don't want you paying for hotels"

Zara POV

I had been dreading telling Luis that I was moving becuase I didn't know how he would take it. He and I were very close, no one was as close to me as he was, I was going to miss him so much but it was an opportunity I just couldn't pass up.

After eating our meal in silence we head into the bedroom to watch a movie. Snuggling up under the covers and watching movies was our thing and I couldn't think of a better way to spend a Wednesday evening.

"My turn to pick right?" He says with a smirk as I make myself comfortable.

"Yeah, let me guess The Crow?" I ask and he chuckles

"You know me too well" he says climbing in beside me and just like always he puts an arm around me and pulls me into his side. "All jokes aside, as much as I'm going to miss you, I'm proud of you Z" he says kissing the top of my head

"I'm going to miss you too Luis" I say resting my head agaisnt him

Truth be told, he was the only reason I had to stay. He had come to mean more to me than I cared to admit but I couldn't turn down a good job for something that could never be.
Not only did I want this job but I needed to put some distance between us before my feelings got too deep.

Too many times I had watched him with a girl and wished it was me, too many times I'd had to resist the urge to kiss his perfect lips while he slept and too many times I had cried over loving some one who didn't feel the same.

Before I knew it we'd watched two movies and I was standing in his doorway saying a final goodbye to him.

"I'll send you my schedule and then you'll know when I'm in town" he says "if you like I could even visit on my down time"

"I'd like that" I smile with tears in my eyes "look after yourself luce della mia vida, and don't be a stranger"

"Be safe luz de mi vida, call me when you get there" he says wrapping me up in his arms and I close my eyes as I inhale his familiar scent "before you go, will you tell me what you keep calling me?" He asks and I chuckle

"If I do that it won't be as special when I call you it" I smile "just know that it is what you are to me"

"Ditto" he whispers burying his face into the crook of my neck "I don't want to say goodbye so I'm just going to say see you real soon Z"

"I'm counting on it" I say letting go of him and moving towards the door "see you real soon Luis"

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