Piecing it together

Start from the beginning

My dad turned to me, "I already dropped your truck off at the house. The dent seems to be the only damage, which is good. I'm glad you're okay Y/N." He paused for a moment, his eyes meeting mine, "I'm gonna go ahead and fill this paperwork out. You can go wait in the car if you would like." I nodded and started walking towards the front entrance. That's when I saw them standing at the far end of the waiting room.

Edward, and Dr. Cullen were having a hushed conversation that I couldn't quite make out. They stopped talking and looked at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." I started, turning to Edward, "Can I talk to you for a moment?" He looked at Dr. Cullen, who nodded, and then started walking towards me. I leaned up against the wall slightly, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Did they check you out to?" I asked nonchalantly. "Yes. Carlisle checked me when I came in. I was cleared before you were." So, the doctor was in on it. Of course he would be. Whatever their secret was it must be very important to their family. 

"How did you do it?" I asked. "Do what?" Edward asked, innocently. "How did you get over to me in time? You were on the other side of the parking lot. How did you get there so fast?" Edward's gaze shifted awkwardly before meeting my eyes, "I was standing next to you the whole time Y/N." He stated. Bullshit. 

"No. I know what I saw." I stared at him as he thought for a moment. "You hit your head pretty hard..." I laughed, "Seriously? Gaslighting? Is that what we've come to now. First you save me and now you're trying to gaslight me into believing that I hallucinated what happened. No, Edward, I did not hit my head and I did see what I saw. So, the least you can do is give me an answer. How did you stop the van?" 

My hands were on my hips now. I was not trying to be sassy, but it happened. I was getting frustrated with him really quick. I was not as stupid as he may have thought I was, nor was I that damn naive. His expression turned serious, "Can't you just thank me and get over it?" "Thank you." I waited, fuming. "You're not going to let it go, are you?" "No. Of course not." "In that case... I hope you enjoy disappointment." With that, he turned and gracefully walked away, leaving me standing there. I shoved open the door and rushed out to the car, accidentally slamming the door when I got in. 

What an asshole.

Jacob and Billy were waiting outside my house when we arrived. Jacob hopped up from the steps as soon as I got out of the car and practically ran towards me, pulling me into a big hug. I hugged back and breathed in his cologne, trying my best to avoid the looks that my dad and Billy were exchanging. 

"I'm okay, Jake. Really. I don't even have a scratch on me." He let go and reached up to push some of my hair out of my face, gently tucking it behind my ear, "How is that possible?" He looked over at my truck that was parked in front of our house, its huge dent facing us. I looked over at it and then back at Jake, "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Something strange happened today."

"Well, why don't you guys go hang out in your room. Just keep the door open Y/N. Billy and I are going to try to catch the game tonight." Another look exchanged between my dad and Jacob's. My cheeks flushed at the thought of being alone with Jake in my room. 

Jacob turned to my dad, "There won't be any funny business, Charlie." He flashed that smile at my dad, the one that made me feel weak. Dad gave a nod in response, "I trust you two to be responsible." I could tell this was an awkward conversation for everyone, so I quickly butt in, "We'll be down in a little while. Yell at us if you need anything."

From Dusk 'Till Dawn (Jacob Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now