chapter xv. crescendo

Start from the beginning

As you continue your journey home, leaving the famers' village and the vast farm estate behind you, you find yourself getting lost in the display of light and colours that seem so uncommon to your eyes.

It amazes you how the places that you have been to lately could be so different to one another. Not only in terms of their culture, the people you see, and the local weather that you must endure, but also in the myriad of shades of colours that you get to see in the surrounding nature, as well as the scents wafting through the air.

Noticing you shivering under your coat, Yoongi delicately reaches out to grab your hand as he walks beside you. He has been silence for a while now, ever since you left the tavern together soon after sharing a long, deep, and surprisingly, meaningful conversation. But never once had he ever let his attention on you slip that he can easily notice it when the expression on your face gradually changes over time.

"Perhaps, the next time you are out traveling like this, you might want to consider wearing thicker clothes and prepare some gloves," he says as he gently rubs your hands in an effort to warm up your frozen fingers.

Little does he know that he is doing more than keeping your hands warm, as the heat starts coursing all the way to your chest, flowing right into your fluttering heart and spreading all over your face that you can barely look at him.

But Yoongi is too deeply concerned over your dainty fingers to notice it, and you are enjoying this moment too much to stop him.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind," you whisper to him while keeping your eyes down, still too flustered to look at him in the eyes.

Ever since your unexpected date at the tavern, everything about Yoongi has become more intense. His deep gaze which lingers on you until you are made to feel completely exposed, vulnerable, as if he could see right through your facade. His actions and gestures that are still as graceful yet has gradually grown more intimate with each passing second that you spend together.

And there is also the change in his speech, his soft spoken words that feel like a gentle caress reaching deep into your soul. Even when all he does is to ask about how you are feeling with the rapid change of temperature and the buzz from the brew that you had drunk back at the tavern still coursing through your body.

It feels overwhelming, although instead of feeling like you are intimidated by his rapt attention, you simply feel somewhat reassured.

You feel seen, after years and years of having to live in the shadows and having no one understanding what you had to go through. At the same time, he makes you feel heard, when you were finally able to share with him your deepest and darkest thoughts, your troubles, everything that has been left unspoken for many years. And Yoongi has been so respectful as he listened, never once undermining your fears and worries when you opened up about how it felt for you being kept hidden in the dark for so long.

But keeping your eyes away from his only allows you to focus on something else. Like focusing on the flow of energy coming out of his body, for example, and the way his touch seems to exude unnatural warmth which feels like an electric current transferring into your skin.

"I suppose your experience in traveling to different places have taught you how to adjust better," you murmur to him with a smile once you realise that while you are trembling under your cloak, Yoongi doesn't seem to be struggling when he is the one wearing nothing more but a thin layer of clothing that doesn't seem adequate enough to protect him from the cold.

"You're still warm."

Yoongi lets out a chuckle, and only then do you finally raise your head to look at him. "I do adjust better with the weather, no matter where I go. It doesn't affect me that much," he reveals with a grin, as he talks about it as if it is something that is common to happen.

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