⓵⓪ 『 Breakfast 』

Start from the beginning

     Knowing Piper, she probably took the stairs and still beat them, she mused to herself. 

    "Hi Rain! How are you doing dear?" Rachel asked, cerulean orbs bright with an elegant charm even Dashie could appreciate. Out of all of her friends, Rachel gave off the most motherly energy--always fretting over the wellness of her friends. Well, her and Tiana--who came to stand next to the dignified woman at the foot of Rain's bed. 

     "I'm okay, just..." the brunette athlete trailed off, but Tiana intercepted with, "Bored? I don't blame you. Hospitals are the worst." The nerdish woman then found a seat on the teal leather couch wedged in the far-right corner next to the window sill, to which Piper and Rachel then joined. "Exactly," Rain replied. 

     Dash almost didn't even notice when Fae slipped through the drapery on the other side, clenching two takeout bags beneath dainty fingers. 

     Rainbow felt the most pacified by Fae's presence--the two had been longtime childhood friends since before they started reciting the alphabet and counting by 5's. It was times like this, where she was really struggling the most, that that sisterly bond between them really shone. Fae knew Rain almost as well as she knew the inner-workings of a rabbit--and that said a lot. 

     Once they made eye-contact and exchanged warm nods in greeting, the shy lass mumbled, "Hi Rain, I hope we're not too late...AJ and I went to pick up the food before heading over." 

     Then...where the hell is AJ?  Was what Rain thought, but she tried not to be rude. Though, her keenly lit glances along the perimeter of the room must've given her away, as Piper displayed her freakish telepathy by stating, "AJ should be here anyyyy second now. Her and Fae carpooled over here."

     Fae turned and peeked back behind the curtain, appearing to mouth indistinguishable words through a faintly troubled expression. She then inched back a few steps and allowed the cowgirl to creep through, who held another two bags full of takeout at her sides. 

     Shit. It was only upon seeing AJ that Rain realized how awkward this was gonna be. 

     AJ stood motionless for a time, an unreadable look crossing over her visage and eliciting the formation of sweat droplets across Rain's back. The perturbed jocky didn't even know what to say--so instead she broke the haunting trance by allowing her amber gaze to fall down towards the floor at the right of her bed and creep up to the window. 

     It seemed to work, because AJ shuffled forward and cleared the space between the entrance and the couch in a few short clacks-of-a-boot. The farm-girl recognized that there only existed one remaining spot on the bench, and so beckoned Fae over with a sweeping hand before offering, "Yuh can come sit over here sugarcube, I'm fine standin'"

     "Oh, uhm...are you sure AJ? I'm really okay to stand too you know..." Fae uttered, fidgeting with the contents in her hands. 

     "Nonsense, Fae, take a seat. I'd best not stay too long anyhow, them critters back at home don't feed themselves y'know," AJ replied, lifting a forearm to itch her freckled nose. 

     Not stay too long? But you just got here, Rain thought, stifling a disgruntled frown. She understood that AJ was a busy gal, but still, she couldn't prevent a woeful sensation from slithering into her chest. Dash was beginning to drift off into a state of rumination until Rachel recovered the conversation, "Well now, let's dig right in, shall we? I bet Rain is starving after having to suffer those horrid meals they serve here."--That fanciful lady was absolutely right about that. No food beat the sogginess of a hospital tuna-sandwich. 

     "Oooh, yes! I am hung-gah-ree!!!" Piper squealed. Fae set her rump to the sofa and the six began to divvy-up drinks and meals as according to their usual breakfast orders. For Tiana, french toast; Rachel, a croissant; Piper, some waffles; Fae, a cup of oats; AJ, a large apple fritter; and Rain, an egg-and-ham sandwich. 

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