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Jake didn't talk to Heeseung for the entire day, yet stuck to him like glue, looking like his bodyguard. Jake deduced this because one of the boys asked the same to Heeseung. Heeseung blushed profusely on hearing the word 'bodyguard' and Jake couldn't help but bite back a smile.

Lip bites were really helpful in dealing with female targets, most of them, not with boys. Jake was only assigned male targets once in a blue moon, this one being one of them. And the males he was paid to kill were almost always older men with cigarettes and female escorts.

Heeseung was the youngest on his list this far, even though he hadn't made it to Jake's list of kills, he was going to eventually. Jake couldn't stop thinking about what this boy must have done to be wanted dead.

Heeseung was nothing but sweet and kind. But that meant he had a meaner side, Jake couldn't toss this thought out. Every kind person has a worse side. No matter how brave someone is, he must be afraid of something.

Jake sat down across Heeseung, with his food tray. Heeseung filled his mouth with a spoon of white rice and nori, before eyeing Jake. Jake pulled out his phone and started texting whoever he was texting. Heeseung pondered on whether he had a girlfriend; but nobody looks so glum while texting their partner. Heeseung ignored his thoughts and continued with his food.

He just kept staring at Jake until the latter looked up to meet his eyes; that's when he found himself admiring the side dishes he was looking at. He was red, and at the same time, he was upset and a little bit angry at himself. How could he still be blushing for someone who blatantly shut him off just a few hours ago, and who knows, he might not even be bothered by how humiliating it was.

While Heeseung kept nibbling at his food, Jake was already done eating. He didn't even say a word before getting up abruptly and tossing his food tray in the corner. Heeseung followed Jake with his eyes, until he was out of the cafeteria, before resuming eating.

Heeseung was avoiding him. Jake stuck to him the entire day and Heeseung didn't even bother to talk. Jake was bored with this target. He wasn't a spy and nor did he want to become one. While he was still wandering messily through his thoughts, his phone rang and an unknown caller ID popped up. He knew right away who it was, and it made him smile.

"20021115EN." He said, picking up the call and laughing.

"JAKE!" The shout from the other side hurt his ears and he had to pull his phone away reflexively.

But he was extremely happy. He didn't feel so wholesome and full of warmth in a while now, especially because of his mission. But this voice, sweet and enthusiastic, never failed to make him smile, no matter how tensed or angry he was.

"Codes, Wonie." He reminded the younger.

"20040209EN. Okay now?" The voice said, and Jake replied with a satisfied chuckle.

"Is everything okay? You never call during missions." Jake kicked air while walking back and forth, also waiting for Heeseung to finish his lunch.

"When has a mission been this long, Jake hyung? I miss you already." Jungwon whined through the call.

Jake chuckled, on the whiny cat. "How did you even get to me? How sneaky have you become?" He teased.

"Dad let me himself." He protested and Jake could tell how pouty he was.

"God knows how whiny you'd been. Why do I have to miss all the fun?" Jake teased him still.

"Oh, Shut up. When are you coming back?"

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