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"Lee Heeseung."

Lee Heeseung. Jake looked at the image he just received from Yeong-su, his director. A boy dressed in a clean white tee, with platinum blonde hair, some streaks covering his forehead and touching his eyes while he averted his gaze off camera holding a solemn gaze in his brown eyes.

He looked at the voice messages sent, below the picture.

Water dripped from his jet black hair and a sweet scent filled the room. He had just come out of the shower, looking clean and fresh, searching for headphones to plug into his phone. After getting his hands on one, he gently put in the jack and positioned the headphones on his ears.

He listened to the audio carefully, picking up every detail spoken by the voice. It's a code. And he had already memorized it. He pulled the audio jack out and returned the headphones into his bag, immediately deleting the messages along with the photo.

He switched the lights off, leaving the lamp beside his bed on. Reaching under his pillow, he found the revolver and quickly checked for bullets, and he sighed upon finding out that half of it wasn't filled. After filling in the last one, he put it back into its initial spot.

He slid under the covers for a quick nap, turning the night lamp off. 10pm. But in spite of how dark the room was, how quiet and cool the atmosphere was, which was perfect for falling asleep peacefully, his eyes were wide open. Just like usual, he was going to spend another sleepless night before a mission.

Jake walked into the college campus. Surrounding him were flower gardens and benches, like in a park, and a huge waterfall in front of him, glistening beads of water falling and merging into the almost still waves underneath.

Then came the huge college building, painted in white, decorated with plants hanging off the walls, bearing beautiful, green and healthy leaves and little white flowers that added to the calm of the scenery. A beautiful environment he saw upon entering inside. Students walked past him, all of them wearing a shiny golden badge displaying their names. He spotted all kinds of names except the one he was assigned to.

The door he stood in front of, opened to reveal an old and ambitious person, who was supposedly the director. He smiled on seeing the visitor and offered him a seat, which he took.

"I suppose you are Shim Jake." said the old yet comforting voice.

Jake nodded. A faint shiver ran down his spine on hearing his real name. It was the riskiest decision taken but Yeong-su assured him. He sighed heavily.

"Is everything alright, Jake-ssi?" The old voice asked, concern ringing in his voice.

"Yes sir." He assured, immediately dropping the feeling.

"I hope you can start your classes in two days." He was handed a few papers stapled at the corner.

Turning through them he realized they were his class schedules and on-campus accommodation list. His name was typed in bold letters beside a number '30'.

"You may have to adjust in a shared room we looked up for you, because of the sudden transfer."

Jake nodded at him reassuringly.

He thanked the director and left the office with mixed feelings. And there were two reasons behind it. One, he was displeased of being placed in a shared room meaning he would not get a lot of privacy, and it would be harder to keep his weapons hidden and out of sight. But secondly, his roommate was the one he was looking for. Lee Heeseung. It put a part of him at ease, as he approached the attached hostel.

In a few more minutes, he found himself in front of the polished, wooden door labeled 30, his right hand holding the knob, ready to turn it. He didn't hear any sounds inside, and hesitantly opened the door to himself and walked into the room. His eyes scanned the room, absorbing every detail.

Twin beds on either side of the nightstand were already made and covered in white sheets and pillows. The opposite wall held a 3-storey bookshelf, half filled with books belonging to his roommate. Study-tables were attached to the wall, were two in number, and one was stacked with piles of paper. The room had one cupboard, one bathroom and a small kettle with two coffee mugs, resting beside a newly opened instant-coffee jar. He ran his hands around everything, looking for hidden trackers or mics, which he hoped he didn't find.

He looked through the trophies, basketball tournaments, all three of them were winner's trophies except one runner-up position. Jake was amused while examining them, a smile resting on his face. He looked down at his study space and found Heeseung's report card from the September Mock-test, reading out the grades to himself. He was somewhat impressed to see that he had A-grades, even though he was marked B in English, like Jake used to get in Korean. He smiled to himself, unaware, "Quite the model."

Jake dropped his bag on the empty table and moved to the balcony, decorated with a coffee table and chairs, with a view of the distant campus and bustling students. How sad one of them is going to drop dead today. And a good one at that.

The door knob clicked, followed by a creak of the opening door.

Speak of the devil.

"Are you my new roommate?"

And he shall appear.

A warm welcome to this book, my heejake nation!

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