Chapter 7

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As the sky turns a yellow orange in the window of the Pallet café you could see two extremely handsome and pretty people sitting down for a nice cup of coffee.

Shizen: Sooo did you have a fun time hanging out!

Shizen just looked even more happy than ever. His smile was basically shining up the entire café. 

Contrastly though, his partner was sucking up all that light. 

Horikita slammed the table as she stood up.

Horikita:*blush* You basically just brought me on a date!!!

That would have bothered the other customers at he café if they weren't the only ones there. Tis a miracle their drinks are still on the table.

Shizen:*smirk* Isn't that what you wanted~

Horikita:*blush* No! I just wanted to learn more about you!

Shizen: And what better way to do that then on a date~ I mean you got to learn what food I like, what I like to wear, what games I like to play.

Horikita:*blush* I don't want to know all that! I wanted to know more about your past!

Shizen: You know it is very rude to as about the past of someone you don't know that well.

Horikita: I- you-*sigh* I guess you right.

Horikita just slumped down in to the cushion seat and held her head on her arm while drinking her coffee.

Horikita: So this day was for nothing. 

Shizen: Hey you had fun didn't you.

Shizen: Hey you had fun didn't you

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~2 hour Flashback~

Horikita: God damn it! Stop hugging me!

As they left the school building Shizen was still attached to Horikita like a parasite.

Shizen: Aww~ But your so comfy and warm~

Horikita:*blush* Just get off!

Horikita managed to push Shizen off her but she knew that he just moved off her himself.

Horikita:*sigh* So are you gonna tell me?

Shizen: Mmmh, maybe later.

Horikita: Later?

Shizen: First we got to hangout! 

Horikita just stared at him blankly.

Horikita: Hang...out?

Shizen: Yeah!

Horikita:*sigh* I don't see how this relates to-

Shizen just grabbed Horikita's wrist and pulled her along as Horikita stumbles.

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