chapter nineteen

Beginne am Anfang

"Y/n?" Felicity caught my attention, i quickly looked up seeing her stood in front of my desk. "how did you go?" She titled her head with a slightly concerned expression.

"um, good, yes i got it all done" Felicity nodded glancing at my phone before meeting my gaze.

"amazing, thank you. you're right to leave then, enjoy your weekend" Felicity dismissed me as she made her way back into her office.

"thanks, you too. see you monday" I called out as i packed up my belongings before promptly leaving.

The drive home was alright, a few stupid people on the roads but nothing i couldn't handle.

When i pulled into the garage i noticed Natasha's car was gone. A small part of me was hoping i would run into her but i guess not today.

After dinner and a few episodes of my show i started getting ready for bed. Brushing my teeth, doing my skin care before hoping into bed.

I was content scrolling through tiktok until suddenly, Natasha popped up. She was lip syncing to the song playing, one which i didn't recognise. However i was more focused on how she was moving the camera. She held her phone down showing off her generous amount of cleavage moving closer as she moved jiggling her breasts.

"oh shit" I whispered to myself as i swipe to the side to view her profile. I was stunned to see a decent amount of videos, a tone of likes and followers, of course.

I scrolled through her page watching a few videos. I do now remember it was linked in that web page the instagram link took me to. I guess i was too focused on the only fans to really notice the tiktok.

Majority of her videos were of her lip syncing to songs or transitions into less clothes or glammed up looks.

After a good 10 minutes of stalking i felt the urge to check out her only fans again. I hesitated before going to instagram and immediately going to her account.

"just a little look" I justified watching as her page loaded. I bit my lip as i started to scroll, there were a couple new posts since i was last on.

Well since i hadn't been on since monday i would expect nothing less than a few new posts. The first one immediately had my mouth dropping open.

@natt_romanoff                                                tuesday
i love walking about with no panties and a toy in 😈

Natasha was stood in that outfit i saw tuesday morning, black tank top with the denim skirt. First photo she had hiked the skirt up slightly as well as pulled the tank top up exposing her boobs. The second photo i was not prepared for. Natasha had turned around and bent over showing us her ass. As the caption stated she had no panties on leaving her pussy on full display. Natasha also seemed to have some kind of jewel looking thing in her butt?

I was confused to say the least, i had never seen anything like that before. I wouldn't imagine it was comfortable either. It looked like a crystal to be honest, it was heart shaped and pink. Was that the toy? What kind of toy goes in your butt?

There was one last photo of her standing upright again, this time the skirt was around her waist revealing her pussy front on. Natasha was bent forward slightly as she cupped her boobs pushing them together. Her expression consisted of her with her tongue poking out and looked as though she was winking.

So that means when i ran into her in the elevator she was wearing no panties and this toy thing. Oh god. I wonder how often she doesn't wear underwear? Would there have been another time she wasn't wearing anything around me?

I thought about that for a good 10 minutes before i saw the other new post.

@natt_romanoff                                             thursday
all clean... ready to get dirty again 💦

This post had three videos and two photos. The first was a video, Natasha was stood in her bathroom the mirror full of condensation. Slowly Natasha wiped her hand over the mirror revealing herself wrapped in a towel. The two photos were next, the first one was pretty mundane. Natasha had dropped the towel slightly showing off more cleavage. The next one was a side view, Natasha held the towel against her front allowing us to see the curve of her ass as well as a small amount of side boob.

The next video she had set her phone up as she stood back. Her hair was damp and there were still water droplets littering her skin. Tell tale sign, along with the condensation on the mirror that she had just had a shower. In the video she slowly spun around letting the towel slowly fall off her body. until finally she was completely bare.

The final video, and steamiest video, Natasha gave us a little dance slowly sliding her hands up and down her body. She threw her head back at one part as it looked like she twisted her nipples. I gasped at the next part, Natasha turned around bending right over allowing her entire lower half to be on display. I watched as the redhead spread her cheeks more before sliding one of her hands down her ass. Her long fingers trailed past her tightest hold before they were slipping through her folds. Natasha rubbed her core for, i don't even know how long but the video ended prompting me it was over.

"oh shit" I muttered to myself. How is this woman real? I have never found something so attractive before.

I scrolled through the photos and videos again before deciding i needed to head to sleep. I have barely even scraped the surface of Natasha's page. I've only looked at four posts and she has so many more. I don't know how i'm supposed to get through all of them.

How am i suppose to spend an afternoon bowling with this woman. I don't think i should have agreed to go.

With that thought i put my phone down and tried to get some sleep. It proved very difficult when all i could think about was Natasha, more specifically Natasha, fresh out of the shower, wet with no towel on...

Oh god.


how was that?? we saw more of her OF. i wonder how tomorrow with go 🤗

naughty neighbourWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt